iLinux OS Talk

iLinuxOS Experience (First Impression)

append delete iXis12

Here is it, it took almost 2 hours to download iLinuxOS (blame my slow internet for that) and 40 minutes to "clone" it to an USB of mine (why not just an ISO file?)

This is a basic first impression of the OS. Please do note that this is not a detailed one as my experience with the OS is still limited.

First Impression

iLinuxOS is based on Debian 10 Buster, while the latest is Debian 12 Bookworm (it's missing some of the best packages updates!)

The size of the IMG file is too big (25GB! it's even larger than a vanilla installation of Windows 11), additionally, there's no direct download available (it is downloaded through torrents, I'm not complaining though.). People with slow internet will take eternity to successfully download this. Furthermore, ever after successfully downloading it, it still take a long time to clone it to a drive. An average user will probably not have patience for this.

Unlike other distro, you install iLinuxOS by cloning a full copy of the OS into your drive (basically, it's like restoring a backup.) which I find a bit weird.

Then after installation you also have to perform a bunch of post-installation steps that should have been done automatically in the first place (driver installation, user setup, etc...).


The UI resemble older versions of macOS (MacOS X to be more precise) though it's more clunky. Too much unnecessary programs are pinned in the dock (is this even necessary? Users could just pin them themselves.). The window design is weird. Normally, three basic buttons (minimize, maximize, and close) are located on the right size (right border of the window), but here it is located on the left (macOS) but it's order is really unpractical.

A lot of "easy" stuff are just a bunch of buttons which is very confusing. This is not easy, this is confusing for someone who is trying Linux for the first time. There's no consistent designs, it's like every "easy" UIs here are in reality a bunch of button that do stuff that normally are just one click of mouse.

Too bloated. There are so much unnecessary apps installed. What am I supposed to do with AnyDesk? An average user will probably only need a working web browser, file explorer, office suite and media player and that's it. They can install other professional tools if they wanted too. There are 4 browsers installed, 7 chat applications, 2 torrent clients, 14 development programs and so on. All of this are unnecessary. Who would want to use 4 different browsers at once? Who would want 14 different development program when they aren't even a developer? To make matters even worse, there's no separate IMG file for a "debloated" edition, so users are forced to install a system full of programs they don't even use/know.

Customization options are kind of okay I guess, I'm not too fussy about this.

The "control panel" or "settings" application is "overglorified". I'm not even joking, is a "settings" app a god send or something? It's just an app that allow you to change/customize your system. It has too much OPTIONS, it's confusing even to me. Like where am I supposed to go? I want to change a little settings yet right in front of my eyes are a bunch of settings that I either don't know what it does or unnecessary.

The "iLinux Adaptive User Interface" feels overall very unpolished and unprofessionally. It tries to copy macOS's design (similar to GNOME but when compared directly GNOME still wins because it's more mature and professional.). The icons are "old" and it's designs aren't consistent. The context menus are bloated with a bunch of options (what am I supposed to do with them? I just want to shutdown my PC!). There's an "open" dialog to open common directories which only takes like 2 clicks to do. Buttons are too "rounded" and the color scheme in my opinion does not blend well with the OS. Some icons appears to be from public online sources (not sure if they are used with appropriate credits though.). There's even a separate "exit" dialog which allow the user to logout, shutdown, restart, etc....? Can't they do that though the menu bar with like a click of button?

Oh, and there's the menu bar. Running programs are seen in the menu bar instead of on the dock, definitely "more convenient" and "professional design choices". There are additional icons in the menu bar which are definitely unnecessary.

iLinuxOS's Semantic Keyboard Shortcuts are confusing and hard to learn especially if you're already familiar with normal key shortcut (for example, Alt + F4 is normally used to close an app, but here it's Alt + Q to quit and Win + Shift + Q to force quit.).

The terminal interface is hard to use, at least to me. But that might be because I'm familiar with GNOME Terminal and Windows Terminal.

I haven't tried everything yet so will have to do that later.

The system overall (at least where I had experience) feels "unfinished" and "unpolished" compared to more mature mainstream distributions like Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora, Gentoo Linux and so on. The iAUI consists of inconsistent icon designs (some are public online icons) and unpractical design choices. The semantic keyboard shortcuts are confusing for a new user to learn.

Good concept, bad execution.

That's all I can say.

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

For starters, since you are playing the Bloat Card again, let's hear some opinions about "Bloat" from the internet:


One person's bloat is another person's treasure.

The big selection of distributions is a great advantage of Linux. The prejudice and fanatism of some Linux people is a big disadvantage.

I say bloated is a Linux distro that lags or freezes when doing normal stuff.


Linux Bloat?? Give It A Rest Already. Linux Distros Are Fine Just The Way They Are.


I've had enough with anyone calling any Linux distro BLOAT when they don't have valid arguments and I am not talking about iLinux here.

I have seen minimal distros called BLOATED just because somebody wants to discredit them without any valid arguments.

The amount of Linux distros states that there are countless types of perspectives on how an OS should look and operate. And countless types of users and distros for every need. That's the beauty of Linux. Power of choice and Diversity.

The "BLOAT" argument is typical of a Linux Corporate Complex Fanboy narrative and it has no credit at all. Period.


Indeed there is NO bloat like Gnome. Gnome is bloated with bad design and buggy code!

"And there is NO bloat like a user that judges a linux distro by it's download size.

And there is NO bigger bloat than a user that judges a linux distro by it's download size.

According to this BLOATED logic all linux distros with small download size are good and all distros with 5GB+ download size are trash... 🤣🤣🤣

MIRACLE LINUX is a 7.9GB download. Is it bloat?

CentOS 9 is an 8GB download. Is it bloat?

ALT Linux is an 8GB download. Is it bloat?

Rocky Linux is a 9GB download. Is it bloat?

Plamo Linux is a 9GB download. Is it bloat?

Oracle Linux is a 9.3GB download. Is it bloat?

Navy Linux is a 9.8GB download. Is it bloat?

AlmaLinux OS is an 11GB download. Is it bloat?

Kali Linux is an 11GB download. Is it bloat?

SUSE Linux Enterprise is a 12GB download. Is it bloat?

EuroLinux is a 13GB download. Is it bloat?

Endless OS is a 17GB download. Is it bloat?

BlackArch Linux is a 18GB download. Is it bloat?

iLinux OS is a 22GB download. Is it bloat?


Compared to Windows throughout the ages?...ANY version of Linux is "lightweight"! I use Fedora and Mint, Ubuntu, ElementaryOS, and ZorinOS, and some have more applications than others....I don't believe in "stripping" an OS down to a terminal and some conky windows. I am practical, and believe in a practical OS, which means a GUI, and an Office Suite and, and things like a calculator, a screenshot tool, a media player (for those coding session with Geany!) and a pleasant look. This nonsense about your web browser using up RAM that could be used "elsewhere"?....uhhm..when I need to browse the web I don't CARE how much RAM is being used....I NEED TO BROWSE THE WEB...and the entire premise of having MORE RAM in a system is so that it can be USED! Just sad, that some people have nothing better to do than to nit-pick over bullsh*t like this! Hahaha! The entire reason why people go out and buy systems with 16 / 32GB of RAM? so that the argument about something using up too much RAM?...DIES! To those who think anything that has a window manager is bloat? you're the problem..the days of a screen full of terminals has passed, people now?...use Linux....not just to check their system resources or to "rice" their desktop, but to WORK and EARN a LIVING! and they don't have time to edit config files just to make their system use .003% less RAM resources. Instead they want to connect remotely to servers and to edit their videos / audio to their liking. Please collect your lint balls and coupons and head back into your basement. You're not helping the Open Source cause with your ignorance.

That is all.

As for the argument that there are too many distros, to those people who thin like that? need to submit your name and identification and then?...when you go out to do anything? show that card and that will let the retailer / restaurant know that you only are to be offered TWO OPTIONS regardless of what you're shopping for. TWO versions of shoes, jeans, colognes, soaps, toothpaste, vitamins, hamburger, steak, ice cream, coffee, soda etc. because it is obvious you have a "weak" mind that cannot choose between more than a binary choice. Which is sad because that ONE thing? It's what makes Linux superior.


I said it before, and I'll say it again: there are two very different things folks refer to as "bloat".

The first is stuff they, personally don't need. Well, someone else might well adore it, so I don't think it actually counts. I like the eyecandy in my Manjaro KDE, and I run two different office suites for different purposes. There's loads of space left on my SDDs, everything runs smoothly, no problem.

The other kind of bloat is a different matter: sloppy programming that leads to processes using up way more resources than would be the case if people coded more efficiently. That is the kind of stuff that should be the focus of bloat haters. It just doesn't happen as often as folks prepackaging software with their distros or trying to make them look nice.


Bloat imo is when a distro is bundled with things that you can't or don't use. Example: Garuda Dragonized Gamer Edition with all the games and game launchers installed. I don't fault that version of the distro for having those packages. It just doesn't fit my use case. I try not to tell someone don't use "x" because "y" is better. I don't want someone to use a window manager when they just want a basic windows or mac replacement. The more people that have enjoyable exposure and experience to Linux, the more likely it becomes mainstream.

iLinux Support Team added on

Last but not least:

Bloat and the Linux Mafia Army...

append delete #2. iXis12

Bloat wasn't the only thing I mentioned lmfao

Bro literally ignored everything else and just tryna to find the best statement to assign me the "linux mafia" tag.

I have done the exact thing you've told me to do: "Try it first, then judge later."

I sat there in front of my computer for 2+ hours trying to install this thing to write this post.

append delete #3. iXis12

And no I don't call iLinuxOS and "bloated" distro a trash? Are you dumb or what?

append delete #4. iXis12

You're acting like an automated bot dude.

append delete #5. iLinux Support Team

You didn't read For starters at the beginning of our answer.

There is more to come...


We are not dude. We are a Team of men and women.


We quoted what people are saying in internet about the Bloat argument.


And no I don't call iLinuxOS and "bloated" distro

You are lying again. You wrote:

Too bloated.

there's no separate IMG file for a "debloated" edition

append delete #6. iLinux Support Team

Unlike other distro, you install iLinuxOS by cloning a full copy of the OS into your drive (basically, it's like restoring a backup.) which I find a bit weird.

Ever heard of Raspberry Pi OS or similar Operating Systems?

append delete #7. iLinux Support Team

Normally, three basic buttons (minimize, maximize, and close) are located on the right size (right border of the window), but here it is located on the left (macOS) but it's order is really unpractical.

You can change this through Control Center > Look and Feel > MATE tweak > Windows > Appearance.

append delete #8. iXis12

Raspberry Pi is different as you use a tool to install the image into a microSD card, iLinuxOS you straight up clone a backup of a working system (hence all the post-installation steps.)

You are lying again. You wrote:

Have you read the later part of the message yet?

nd no I don't call iLinuxOS and "bloated" distro a trash?

append delete #9. iXis12

Bloat wasn't the only thing I said.

append delete #10. iLinux Support Team

There's even a separate "exit" dialog which allow the user to logout, shutdown, restart, etc....? Can't they do that though the menu bar with like a click of button?

There is a FIXED "one click" Exit button on the LEFT SIDE of the Control Bar on the TOP LEFT OF THE SCREEN.

So, with one click you have all the Exit choices at hand.

And with a sum of two clicks you can Lock Screen, Switch User, Log Out, Sleep, Restart or Shut Down.

The second click is for Verification to protect the user from false clicks.


At least we kept it down to 2 clicks while in many Operating Systems and Linux Distros you need 3-5 clicks to Lock Screen, Switch User, Log Out, Sleep, Restart or Shut Down.

Having 6 icons on the Control Bar (one for each Exit choice) is unpractical and wastes space. And even if we had 6 icons, we would still need a confirmation dialog, so 2 clicks anyway.

append delete #11. iLinux Support Team

Raspberry Pi is different as you use a tool to install the image into a microSD card, iLinuxOS you straight up clone a backup of a working system (hence all the post-installation steps.)

Raspberry Pi OS is not different.

It is a Computer Operating System.

We know. We have developed iLinux OS for Raspberry Pi too:

append delete #12. iXis12

Also about your large-sized distro list...

Most of distros that you've listed are not designed for normal use (aka average Joe). They are designed for more specialized and professional uses, hence they are larger in size. An average Linux distro typically takes about 4-5 GB.

append delete #13. iLinux Support Team

The "control panel" or "settings" application is "overglorified".

Better have all the Settings at hand than need something and not have it.


It has too much OPTIONS, it's confusing even to me. Like where am I supposed to go?

They are alphabetically sorted, divided into categories and a Search is available.

append delete #14. iLinux Support Team

Also about your large-sized distro list...

Most of distros that you've listed are not designed for normal use (aka average Joe). They are designed for more specialized and professional uses, hence they are larger in size. An average Linux distro typically takes about 4-5 GB.

Define average Joe.

Every user is different.

iLinux OS is designed for any type of "average Joe"...

Instead of designing 10-20-50-100-500-1000 Linux Distros for any user case, we designed one for all.

append delete #15. iLinux Support Team

Buttons are too "rounded"

You must go back to the Basics of Industrial Design and User Interface Design to understand why.

If you do a Google search you will find plenty of articles about it.

append delete #16. iLinux Support Team

Some icons appears to be from public online sources (not sure if they are used with appropriate credits though.).


Also see "iLinux Menu > About iLinux"

append delete #17. iLinux Support Team

Oh, and there's the menu bar. Running programs are seen in the menu bar instead of on the dock, definitely "more convenient" and "professional design choices". There are additional icons in the menu bar which are definitely unnecessary.

It is not a Menu Bar.

It is the Control Bar:

Running programs appear in the Dock too...

append delete #18. iLinux Support Team

the color scheme in my opinion does not blend well with the OS

There are over 150 User Interface Themes in Control Center > Look and Fell > Appearance.

append delete #19. iLinux Support Team

iLinuxOS's Semantic Keyboard Shortcuts are confusing and hard to learn especially if you're already familiar with normal key shortcut (for example, Alt + F4 is normally used to close an app, but here it's Alt + Q to quit and Win + Shift + Q to force quit.).

Alt+Q is more relevant to Quit than Alt+F4 and thus Alt+F4 is more confusing.

Semantic Keyboard Shortcuts are very easy to learn because they have been carefully Positioned & Grouped in Simple & Logical Patterns in order to speed up your Workflow, Boost your Productivity and Ease Computer Use.

append delete #20. iLinux Support Team

The terminal interface is hard to use, at least to me. But that might be because I'm familiar with GNOME Terminal and Windows Terminal.

Aka the Terminal is hard to use...


GNOME Terminal is just an interface for Command Line. As is every Linux Terminal. The commands remain the same.

iLinux OS has MATE Terminal and Terminator.

GNOME has GNOME Terminal.

And all of them accept the same commands.

So, how is it hard to use?


Windows Terminal is part of a different Operating System with different commands...

append delete #21. iLinux Support Team

The system overall (at least where I had experience) feels "unfinished" and "unpolished" compared to more mature mainstream distributions like Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora, Gentoo Linux and so on. The iAUI consists of inconsistent icon designs (some are public online icons) and unpractical design choices. The semantic keyboard shortcuts are confusing for a new user to learn.

Good concept, bad execution.

That's all I can say.

Thank you for your input.

You are free to use Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora, Gentoo Linux and so on.

append delete #22. root


You can change any Keyboard Shortcut or add your own from Control Center > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcuts.

append delete #23. root


Ubuntu 23.04 - A "more mature mainstream distribution"...

append delete #24. root


Any "average Joe" can install a "more mature mainstream distribution" like Arch Linux by following the official oversimplified guide:

append delete #25. root


Any "average Joe" can install a "more mature mainstream distribution" like Gentoo Linux by following the official oversimplified guide:

append delete #26. root


An average Linux distro typically takes about 4-5 GB.

There is no average Linux distro.

Every Linux distro is unique.

Linux is about freedom of choice and not averages.

append delete #27. iXis12

Thanks for the corrections.

I mainly wrote this so I can have a more accurate look at the OS and its features, thus being able to give more objective opinions about the OS itself.

But of course, yeah I think I agree that every Linux distro is unique in its own ways. What I actually meant by "average Linux distro" is typically mainstream distros like Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux and so on that are more well-known by the Linux community and typically has more online resources than other distros thus making it easier to use and seek help.

And Gentoo Linux is not hard by the way, it's just you need powerful hardware otherwise it might take eternity to install :)

Arch Linux (vanilla) is not beginner friendly and is not something that I'd recommend to a beginner who is seeking to make the switch, but if you are willing to put in the effort to learn it it will help you so much later on. Also the Arch Wiki is the most comprehensive Linux wiki you could ever find.

I had no bad intentions about iLinuxOS and its community as a whole, but I'm sorry regardless for any troubles that I had caused.

append delete #28. iLinux Support Team

I mainly wrote this so I can have a more accurate look at the OS and its features, thus being able to give more objective opinions about the OS itself.

For how long have you used iLinux OS before writing this "First Impression"?


I had no bad intentions about iLinuxOS and its community as a whole, but I'm sorry regardless for any troubles that I had caused.

Do not underestimate our intelligence.

append delete #29. theta_owl


This is iLinux OS. It's an absolute shithole of an operating system, and the development "team" behind it is not all that competent. The dude behind "iLinux Support Team" is the most narcissistic agile human being on this planet unfortunately. He likely has anger issues. He uses multiple fake accounts on this site, but you can always spot him based on his writing style. I'd suggest taking this to Reddit or similar websites. Don't waste your time having a pointless childish argument with the developer.

append delete #30. iLinux Support Team


Insults and slandering are not substantiated arguments.

Reverse psychology and amateur insult attempts won't get you anywhere or trigger an emotional response from us.

In matters of technology and operations we apply stone cold logic. Not emotion.

append delete #31. iLinux Support Team


How many Linux distributions have you developed?

append delete #32. theta_owl

@iLinux Support Team

I developed a custom personal Manjaro distribution lmao

append delete #33. iLinux Support Team


For how long have you used iLinux OS before writing about it here?

append delete #34. iXis12

For how long have you used iLinux OS before writing this "First Impression"?

For a day, hence "First Impression".

Also iLinuxOS should update to Debian 12 soon as it contains newer package updates like Mesa and Linux Kernel (Mesa in Debian 10 is 18 while latest is 23 which support more graphic cards and has better performance.)

append delete #35. iLinux Support Team


Is there a website for this "custom personal Manjaro distribution lmao"?

append delete #36. iLinux Support Team


Also iLinuxOS should update to Debian 12 soon as it contains newer package updates like Mesa and Linux Kernel (Mesa in Debian 10 is 18 while latest is 23 which support more graphic cards and has better performance.)

Some of our Development Progress is public:

Some of our Development Progress is covert.

Further more, iLinux OS is a complex High End Commercial Grade Product and thus it has to go through extensive testing for real time scenarios in the field before a new version or an update is released.

iLinux OS is not made just for fun or as a hobby, it is not made for Website Cookies Click Bait, it is not made for Social Media Monetizing, it is not made in a VM and it is not made by automated scripts or by AI as many Linux distributions are.

append delete #37. root


You are another bullying thug of the Linux Mafia Army and you don't try to hide it at all...

You don't care about exposure because Dark Web money is flowing in your bank accounts and arrogance has driven you mad...

append delete #38. turik

This attack on the developer is really sick. We all understand what's going on and we won't stop using iLinux.

append delete #39. Linux Soul

This attack on the developer is really sick. We all understand what's going on and we won't stop using iLinux.


append delete #40. Kelly Smith

This is ridiculous.

It's obvious that @iXis12 didn't even tried iLinux OS and wrote a "review" based only on information from the website and yet still missed obvious details...

Linux Mafia Army are so obsessed and psycho...

append delete #41. Super Mario

@Kelly Smith

It's obvious that @iXis12 didn't even tried iLinux OS and wrote a "review" based only on information from the website and yet still missed obvious details...

I disagree. It's not ridiculous.

It's hilarious!!!!!!!!! 😂

I loved the

Running programs are seen in the menu bar instead of on the dock

while anyone can see even from the screenshots that running programms do appear on the dock! 😂

You can't miss that even if you are blind!!!!

Oh wait! There's more:

There's even a separate "exit" dialog which allow the user to logout, shutdown, restart, etc....? Can't they do that though the menu bar with like a click of button?

What a dumbass LMAO!!!! Even from the screenshots its obvious that there is a 1 CLICK EXIT BUTTON on the menu bar (Control bar)!!! OMG LMAO!!!! And if you use iLinux you can't miss it for anything! 🤣

And I was totally sold out for the

The terminal interface is hard to use, at least to me. But that might be because I'm familiar with GNOME Terminal and Windows Terminal.

Who on earth talks like that for crying out loud???!!! Are these trolls real or what?! AI maybe?!

Last but not least was the

The "control panel" or "settings" application is "overglorified".

Even Linux Mint doesn't have so many Settings and they complain!!!! OMG who on earth complains for too much settings and customization options??!!!

Not that I have anything against Linux Mint! Mint devs do a great job over the years!


Mostly I loved the answers given by the iLinux Support Team...

Bullseye and to the point...


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