iLinux OS Talk

Rebasing to Ubuntu instead?

append delete ilovelinux

Ubuntu offers more than Debian out of the box like stable packages and security updates. It's also easier to upgrade to newer LTS and support more applications than Debian.

I think if iLinux was based on Ubuntu we can have the best of both worlds!

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

iLinux OS offers more than Debian and Ubuntu out of the box.

So by installing iLinux OS you have the best of both worlds and more!

We have chosen Debian instead of Ubuntu as the base for iLinux OS, because Debian is more stable than Ubuntu.

Operating System Stability is the #1 priority for us and we don't settle for anything less.

An Unstable Computer is a Useless Computer.

We prefer a slightly "older" Stable OS over a "newer" Unstable OS.

Without Stability the Computer Fails to execute the User's Commands and the User Experience Fails.

If the User Experience Fails, the Operating System Fails.

This for us is intolerable.

There is a difference between using Linux for fun or experimentation and using Linux to get work done.

Unstable or newly released Core Linux Distributions are not suitable for getting work done.

Also, we prefer the Debian philosophy over the Ubuntu philosophy.

Lately some developers are writing and promoting Apps only for Ubuntu/GNOME/libadwaita, and not Apps for Linux.

We prefer the Debian motto: The Universal Operating System.

append delete #2. DigiDeLorean

Rebasing to Ubuntu will be suicide. Debian is the perfect base for such a complex OS as iLinux. Stability is paramount in tactical scenarios and in that manner Ubuntu is a minefield...

append delete #3. Seraf

Nowadays Ubuntu is still recommended to newbies, but a large contingent of the community recommending it aren’t running Ubuntu themselves. It’s more like shunting newbies off to Ubuntu so they are out of your hair. There is enough info on Ubuntu online that they can find info on their own might they need it. The general reasoning seems to be that the smart ones will find something better than Ubuntu and the ones stuck on it are no longer a concern.

With every passing year Ubuntu seems to become less and less connected to the rest of the Linux ecosystem. Except for Ubuntu focused sites, there is no real excitement about a new release or Canonical announcing a new software project.

append delete #4. Seraf

I’d never recommend Ubuntu(or flavours)anymore. When I see interviews with guys ,and girls, on the various flavour teams, they now look like they’re making hostage interviews, having to go along with YET ANOTHER misstep from their kidnappers.

append delete #5. Seraf

Ubuntu is a brand sold as product.

append delete #6. ilovelinux

@iLinux Support Team

Thanks for the quick answer! I understand your point on Debian being a slightly more stable base. But my opinion is that you should update to something newer ASAP, as "stable" older software is usually outdated in features (for example, the Mesa driver in Debian 10 is Mesa 18 while in Debian 11 it's Mesa 20. Newer Mesa versions brings improvements to performance and support for newer hardware, so it doesn't make sense to stuck on such an old version for no reason).


Yeah, Ubuntu has its own problems. Nothing is perfect. Snap for example:while the client is open source, the server is closed source and is controlled by Canonical, that's why its so controversial among the Ubuntu and Linux community.

But the reason why I recommend Ubuntu is because of its stability. It's more stable than Debian in my experience, its more supported by the community, its easier to setup and Canonical themselves provide base image so you can build your own distro on top of it easily.

Ubuntu is a brand sold as product.

Ubuntu is free?

append delete #7. iLinux Support Team


It seems like you don't follow our Development Progress:

iLinux OS 3 "HYPERHELION" is based on Debian 11 Stable.

Raspberry Pi edition is available for download and AMD/Intel editions are on the way and will be released when they are fully tested and ready.

Nothing is outdated if it works as expected.

Debian 10 Stable has Long Term Support until June 2024 from the Debian Development Team:

We do not participate in the poorly tested "Hey look! Another New Release!" frenzy that results in low quality products.

iLinux OS is a carefully selected collection of software, curated, tuned and combined to work flawlessly.

append delete #8. Seraf


There is no Ubuntu community. The so called Ubuntu community are at least 90% Canonical/GNOME employees, as is the vast majority of websites/irc/YouTubers that promote Ubuntu/GNOME/libadwaita.

In my experience Ubuntu is not stable. Debian is.

append delete #9. DigiDeLorean

If this isn't a joke it's hilarious (grab a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show):

An All-Snap Version of Ubuntu is In The Works

append delete #10. PC1999

Ubuntu 10.x was the last really usable Ubuntu. Thank god for MATE and iLinux developers for taking MATE where no man has gone before...

append delete #11. ilovelinux

An All-Snap Version of Ubuntu is In The Works

This sucks. There's a reason why I hate snap so much. It's a good concept but it has the worst execution I have ever seen. Not to mention the server are hosted by Canonical and is not open source, so... It has valid use cases, but generally that sucks.

But it's not going to replace the standard version of Ubuntu (that mean the traditional version of Ubuntu will still be the default version when you download Ubuntu) so that's good I guess, can always use the standard version and move on.

append delete #12. DigiDeLorean


I bet that finally they will try to pass Ubuntu Snap as the standard traditional version...

append delete #13. ilovelinux

I bet that finally they will try to pass Ubuntu Snap as the standard traditional version...

Never going to happen. Snap has too much controversies around the Linux community. And even so, there are a lot of Ubuntu derivatives out there without snaps (Linux Mint, Zorin OS, just to name a few).

append delete #14. DigiDeLorean


Wanna take a bet on it? Wait 2-5 years and we'll see...

When Ubuntu goes full Snap it will stop releasing .deb based versions to force everyone into Snap. Already LMAO! 🤣

DigiDeLorean added on

> If you don't like the bundled model, then you can carry on using Ubuntu 20.04 without Snaps just fine.

No, you can't. Ubuntu has started replacing apt packages with snaps. So if you want to install those packages (such as Chromium) you now have to use the snap.


append delete #15. ilovelinux

They can't stop you from switching to another distro though.
As I said, there are a lot of Ubuntu derivatives out there, a lot without snaps.

append delete #16. Susan


Sure. For now. But what will happen when Canonical decides to ditch DEB based Ubuntu versions and release only SNAP based Ubuntu in the future?

All those Ubuntu derivatives out there will have only one choice: Follow Ubuntu SNAP or change the base of their distros.

Considering that most Ubuntu derivatives are being produced by Canonical or hardware companies that sell "Linux computers", money will dictate their decisions and they will stick with SNAP.

Last but not least let's not forget that nowadays many distros, websites and YouTube videos are being produced automatically by AI or automated scripts to create a social engineering overflow to direct Linux users to certain distros.

Ubuntu, GNOME and libadwaita are trojan horses to replace Linux.

append delete #17. ilovelinux

Considering that most Ubuntu derivatives are being produced by Canonical or hardware companies that sell "Linux computers", money will dictate their decisions and they will stick with SNAP.

Wrong. Most flavors are created and owned by the community with some have official recognition from Canonical (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubutun MATE, etc...). Some major derivatives like Linux Mint or ZorinOS is created and maintained by the community with nothing related to Canonical (except they use Ubuntu repositories), Linux Mint even have snaps disabled by default!

Most of the community hate snap, and so do I, so I highly doubt that will happen. But all of them are open source, so Canonical's decision of snap doesn't affect Ubuntu that much, at least in my point of view.

Ubuntu, GNOME and libadwaita are trojan horses to replace Linux.

Here's my opinion and may not represent others point of view.

Ubuntu is literally Debian. It use the Linux kernel, use the GNU C library (glibc), use the APT package manager just like Debian. The only difference is that Ubuntu is supported by a company (Canonical) while Debian is by the community. So why it's going to "replace" Linux? I mean its literally Linux, a Linux distro.

I'm not sure about your opinion about GNOME, I just think it's a fancy DE for who prefer a semi-macOS-like environment or who looking for a new experience. Of course it has its own flaws like extension breaking every single release and some questionable design choices... But nothing's perfect.

libadwaita what? What does that have anything to do with "replacing Linux"? It's just a GUI library, a GNOME version of GTK.

append delete #18. ilovelinux

Also just this: Ubuntu have a lot of mirror repositories so even if Canonical decided to replace all packages with snap (which is impossible by design by the way), mirror exists and the one who run that can easily replace them with the traditional deb version and maintain it themselves.

You can easily create a mirror given you have enough disk space of course.

append delete #19. ilovelinux

Last but not least let's not forget that nowadays many distros, websites and YouTube videos are being produced automatically by AI or automated scripts to create a social engineering overflow to direct Linux users to certain distros.

This is Linux not Microsoft Windows lol

How does that work? Please, opinions exists and you shouldn't be forced to think the same way as others!

Even if someone say "Ubuntu is better" doesn't mean they are forcing you into using it. No one does.

This is not Apple macOS or Microsoft Windows, this is Linux and there are so many choices out there.

append delete #20. DigiDeLorean

Interesting timing though...

Now that everyone hates Ubuntu and iLinux is released for Raspberry Pi with iLinux Mini/Rolling in the works, out of the blue someone proposes a rebasing to Ubuntu...

append delete #21. ilovelinux

I propose rebasing because in my experience Ubuntu is generally more stable with a rich software repository.

And that's better than stuck with Debian 10 due to outdated software.

I'm interested in iLinux Rolling, wonder how it can be done... Debian is not a rolling distro so I'm curious... Compiling everything from source and distribute their own repository?

append delete #22. iLinux Support Team


As you can see on iLinux OS Development Progress , iLinux OS Rolling is based on Debian Experimental Unstable, which is considered a Rolling Distribution.

iLinux Support Team added on

Debian Unstable (also known by its codename "Sid") is not strictly a release, but rather a rolling development version of the Debian distribution containing the latest packages that have been introduced into Debian.

append delete #23. iLinux Support Team


And that's better than stuck with Debian 10 due to outdated software.

Debian 11 is not outdated.

iLinux OS 3 is based on Debian 11.

Even iLinux OS 2 with Debian 10 is not outdated.

Nothing is outdated if it works as expected.

Debian 10 Stable has Long Term Support until June 2024 from the Debian Development Team:

append delete #24. Susan



Susan added on

You are living in a dream world.

Wrong. Most Ubuntu flavors are created and controlled by Canonical via paid proxies.


Ubuntu IS NOT Debian. Canonical took Debian and mutilated it, transforming it into a hybrid ugly handicapped autistic monster with personality disorder by design.


The problem nowadays is that Linux developers do not produce Apps for Linux but Apps for GTK4/libadwaita...

I am against any Monopoly Attempt in Linux apps. GTK4/libadwaita is an abomination.

Libadwaita is meant to be a GNOME-specific version of GTK4, with the GNOME project in complete control of the look and feel of apps.

I say NO to the Monopoly of Gnome and all it stands for.

append delete #25. AaronTechnic

Ubuntu has started replacing apt packages with snaps. So if you want to install those packages (such as Chromium) you now have to use the snap.

This is not entirely true. They have only replaced it for web browsers and internet software which are required to be always up-to-date, which is why the snap version is in place.

Not entirely defending snap but Canonical should've gotten the snap browsers right at first. The initial release of chromium and firefox snap were not that good...

append delete #26. AaronTechnic

Wrong. Most Ubuntu flavors are created and controlled by Canonical via paid proxies.

Only Kubuntu was created by someone in Canonical, the rest of the flavours were community created which got official recognition from Canonical. Canonical does have control over the flavours though since it's an Ubuntu product.

Source on paid proxies?

append delete #27. Susan


Only Kubuntu was created by someone in Canonical, the rest of the flavors were community created which got official recognition from Canonical.

Sources on that?

How can you know that unless you are working for Canonical?

Official recognition from Canonical = Covert Control by Canonical Employees

There is no Ubuntu Community. It's a fabrication.

Ubuntu Community = Canonical Employees

Canonical only supports what makes money. And you can't make money from a product if you don't control it. And you can't control it without your employees in charge of the product.

Come on "Aaron" give it a rest will you? Your past in this forum indicates that you are working for Canonical/GNOME in the "Propaganda & Damage Control Department".

Hope the paycheck is satisfactory...

append delete #28. ClickNin

Ah yes so if I'm using GNOME that means I'm working for Canonical, right?
So all of the extensions maker is also Canonical employees, right?
So everyone in your "Ubuntu community" is also Canonical employees, right?
So everyone in the r/gnome subreddit and r/Ubuntu subreddit are also Canonical employees, right?
So everyone using Ubuntu derivatives like Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Linux Mint, elementaryOS, Zorin OS, Ubuntu Kylin, deepin, etc... is also Canonical employees, right?
So everyone who use GNOME in their Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux, LFS or Alpine Linux installation is also Canonical employees, right?

With your logic, everyone that use GNOME or Ubuntu is Canonical and GNOME employees, right?

Your logic is hilarious, at least get some common sense.

append delete #29. ClickNin

Just for some sources:

r/gnome subreddit has 80k members. r/Ubuntu subreddit has 216k members. You can check that for yourself.

There are 197 pages of GNOME extensions. With each extensions (presumably) made by different people.

From wikipedia (, Canonical only has more than 600 members. If you combine the amount of members in the r/gnome and r/Ubuntu subreddit alone, that's 296k members, more than the amount of employees in Canonical.

So, yeah...

ClickNin added on

EDIT: more than 600 employees, not member.

append delete #30. ClickNin

Also combining the huge amount of Youtube channels and FOSS sites out there, your logic seems really wrong.

append delete #31. Susan


Your logic is hilarious, at least get some common sense. Your logic seems really wrong.

Endless flow of money can do wonders nowadays.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) can do wonders nowadays.

AI can create and control millions of fake profiles.

Of course there is always covert funding in the cover of "Donations" via fake AI PayPal profiles.

We are talking about Big Tech Monopoly companies that are vertically integrated in the global financial system.

Let's not forget that nowadays many linux distros, websites and YouTube videos are being produced automatically by AI or automated scripts to create a social engineering overflow to direct Linux users to certain distros.


You don't provide an official link for the number of Canonical employees.

Canonical funds GNOME so it has a degree of control over them too. So it's not only Canonical employees.

By the way, where is the 2022 Funding Report for the GNOME Foundation? Was it lost somewhere on the way to "Financial Transparency Linux Ethics"?!

Fun fact: In the GNOME Funding Reports page you see an Older reports may be available upon request. note. Either they were too tired to put the older reports in the page... (creating a web link to a PDF file is so complex these days) ...or they are hiding something...

Come on "ClickNin/Aaron" give it a rest with thread hijacking will you? Your past in this forum indicates that you are working for Canonical/GNOME in the "Propaganda & Damage Control Department".

Hope the paycheck is satisfactory...

append delete #32. iLinux Support Team

There is no reason for anyone to argue about anything in this thread.

We already made it clear that iLinux OS will never rebase to Ubuntu.

End of story.

append delete #33. ClickNin


Stop saying nonsense and spreading misinformation. "I work for Canonical and GNOME?" Any proof for that?

This exact behavior is what get your comments at OMG! Ubuntu! removed. You kept saying nonsense yet you can't provide any actual proof to back what you're saying. Want to bet? Give me link to trustworthy sources and I will believe you.

End of story. This argument will go nowhere.

tl;dr. give me proof, and I'll believe what you said is true. Period.

I can't believe how you oppose Open Source software, keyword: Open Source. Send data to 1000's of Capitalist Corporation? Give me the link to source code that does that? GNOME is open source, and so does Ubuntu.

Why do I know all of these? Google search and reddit.

If you think all members in r/gnome and r/ubuntu subreddits are AIs, why not all members of the Apple community? Why not Microsoft?


append delete #34. Susan


Stop saying nonsense and spreading misinformation.

Yes. You work for Canonical and GNOME. Admit it and get on with your life.


This exact behavior is what get your comments at OMG! Ubuntu! removed. You kept saying nonsense yet you can't provide any actual proof to back what you're saying.

Oh I give proof enough and that's why the Technofascists remove comments. Because they can't stand a dialogue with arguments in public.

It's clear that "OMG! Ubuntu!' is funded by Canonical/GNOME.


I can't believe how you oppose Open Source software, keyword: Open Source. Send data to 1000's of Capitalist Corporation? Give me the link to source code that does that?

I don't oppose Open Source software. I oppose the well paid thugs of Open Source Technofascism.

Yes. Open Source Technofascists send/sell our personal web browsing data to 1000's of Capitalist Companies by spying on us via COOKIES.

Let me repeat it for you: WEB BROWSING COOKIES.

99.99% of FOSS "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels" aggressively sell your browsing data to 1000's of CAPITALIST COMPANIES AND CLANDESTINE AGENCIES (remember Snowden's revelations?) by spying on you via Cookies, so even in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...

In 99.99% of FOSS "Linux Community Websites" the DEFAULT Cookie Settings are a Privacy Nightmare and they don't have a DISAGREE button at the MAIN COOKIES WINDOW, so you have to MANUALLY UNCHECK 100's or 1000's LEGITIMATE INTEREST (CAPITALIST) PARTNERS to be able to view the website without the entire planet spying on you for the FOSS CAPITALISTS TO MAKE A FORTUNE.

I am not saying that it's bad to want to make money, but if at the same time you are preaching Internet Freedom, FOSS and Anti-capitalist Anti-fascist "Linux Ethics", it's a bit hypocritical at best.

You are living proof that toxic FOSS communities are the worst bullies in the Linux sphere.


GNOME is losing the linux game despite the millions of dollars flowing into it ( ) and they will try everything to ease their fall and keep the money coming...

With millions of dollars flowing in their pockets, of course it is a company covered by the "non profit foundation" label...

Yeah right... If it wasn't for the millions of dollars flowing in their pockets GNOME would already be dead.

Some naive people right here. Gnome has nothing of a community, it's actually one of the least community-driven project in the Linux world. Of course they go hard on their propaganda that it is, but we all know it's as fake a community as it gets.

append delete #35. DigiDeLorean

I really don't get it with those provocateurs. They are getting so exposed.

Do they really think they will undermine iLinux by beginning hate threads?

How can I install GNOME in iLinuxOS?

Rebasing to Ubuntu instead?

FUCK YOU AND FUCK iLINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is iLinux a spyware?





Why Copyrights???????? Why not only Free Open Source Software??????

iLinux is CRAP!!!!!!!!!

WTF iLinux? Ubuntu is much better!

append delete #36. AaronTechnic

You work for Canonical and GNOME. Admit it and get on with your life.

Neither me and ClickNin work for either Canonical and GNOME, and I do know who is ClickNin.

I don't work for either but I have beta tested releases of ubuntu and recieved stuff from it, and I was a gnome maintainer for a small distro, and I don't know if that makes me a part of their "propaganda mission", which doesn't exist since Linux is about helping each other. Ironic that I say this since I used to hate on this distro 2 years back. Going back to Canonical, I have zero connections with them.

It's clear that "OMG! Ubuntu!' is funded by Canonical/GNOME."

OMG! Ubuntu! is managed by one single person with two managing the sister site OMG! Linux!, and it's not funded by either two. You can go as far as to ask the editor if you want.

in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...

What a claim, definitely there is something to back this up!

This is false, Ubuntu only takes system hardware and BIOS info, KDE takes preferences but is disabled by default, Fedora's telemetry is opt-in and transparent about it. Distros like Arch and derivatives have pretty much no telemetry.

99.99% of FOSS Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels

Where is the source for this?

Do they really think they will undermine iLinux by beginning hate threads?

Out of all the threads you have mentioned, I have made one. Plus, at the top, "How can I install GNOME in iLinuxOS?", th329 said:

Hello. I really love iLinuxOS, especially with 500 preinstalled applications. It helped me reduce the deployment time on masses.
I wanted to take advantage of 500 preinstalled applications and all other convenient stuff that iLinuxOS provides, but I just couldn't stand the default desktop environment, in my opinion it looks messy and bloated with unnecessary stuff. I would like something much simpler and modern like GNOME.
How can I replace the default desktop environment with GNOME? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

There's no hate from thy329. In the replies, Susan talks about why GNOME is bad, which is fine, and then says "And don't forget that GNOME propaganda machine is heavily funded by companies." which is entirely false except for the following paragraph. GNOME does not have propaganda, they don't upload anything on their channel other than trailers and GUADEC gnome conferences.

Then thy329 responds with:

"Are you okay @Susan?

You can hate on GNOME, but I like to use it, that's my choice.

It's simple, it's modern, it supports Wayland (which have better performance than X11, and obviously I wanted to run Waydroid too) and actively maintained. The latest GNOME 44 "Kuala Lumpur" is very cool with many new features and bug fixes. It also very lightweight compared to Windows (even though it still eats like 900 MB of RAM on idle with no background applications), and in general GNOME just looks better than the iLinuxOS desktop environment.

You might see the "Are you okay @Susan?" as "hate", but I think it's reasonable since Susan had to hate on GNOME for no reason.

Susan responds with the "paid failed gnome fanboy" and related bullcrap. thy329, again asks their question again and said about respecting opinions, and of course Susan didn't take that and acted as victim, along with the support team acting as victim.

I'm not going to post further replies, since that will make this post too long.

To finish this off, it is funny to see that you and the fellow pro-iLinux users here think that "Big Tech" and "Linux/FOSS Community" is targeting them and trying to end this distro, while this distro is nearly unheard. On this forum I remember someone said about blogs not writing about iLinux since "companies pay them for avoiding iLinux", while in reality this distro is nearly unheard of.

About the small distro I maintained gnome for, since it had presence on distrowatch it got some attention. A few videos on YouTube and reddit posts about it. It is discontinued due to the lack of people and effort to maintain it, but if you really want to get someone to write about it, you can probably email/message Linux blog writers about your distro.

Signing off.

AaronTechnic added on

I have made a few syntax mistakes here.

append delete #37. root


Neither me and ClickNin work for either Canonical and GNOME, and I do know who is ClickNin.

I don't work for either but I have beta tested releases of ubuntu and recieved stuff from it.

Ironic that I say this since I used to hate on this distro 2 years back.

Case closed. 🤣

append delete #38. Susan


LMAO fell of the bed!!! 🤣


You do understand that you don't make any sense, don't you?

append delete #39. Animal


append delete #40. PC1999

OMG! These Ubuntu/GNOME hate trolls are unbelievable... So much toxicity...

A word of advice: Use any distro works for you and live and let live.

append delete #41. ClickNin

Oh yeah? If it's simple as "Use any distro works for you and live and let live." then what's the point of this argument @Susan?

Yes, I know Aaron, we're on the same Discord group along with a few others. We have absolutely no connection with Canonical whatsoever.

Stop saying bullshit about "I'm working for Canonical and spreading propaganda.".

Now to end this argument for once, and for all:

I don't work for Canonical and I did not contribute to ANY of their projects.

I don't work for ANY communities or companies.

Best testers DOESN'T MEAN working for Canonical. Keyword: for, not with.

Nobody hates you, nobody, and no communities hate iLinuxOS. But you, yes you @Susan, kept saying bullshit like "iLinux doesn't get much recognition due to propaganda" while in reality its due to this distro being almost unknown among the community.

Ask for a reviewer, post about it on the Linux community subreddit or Discord server. Tell them what this distro has to offer. Yet @Susan and the others is here to call 99.9% of FOSS communites as capitalist tyrant and corporate funded communities with the only goal of slandering this distro.

Say whatever you want. I believe this distro would have a better future with better recognition if the creator listen and know how to handle criticism and not about spreading misinformation about Canonical and the FOSS community without proof or whatsoever.

That's all. This argument needs to stop now. It's pointless.

append delete #42. PC1999


Dude I am not Susan... 🙄 You got it all pretty messed up in your head...

append delete #43. ClickNin

I'm not talking about you? Where did I mention you?

append delete #44. PC1999


Oh yeah? If it's simple as "Use any distro works for you and live and let live." then what's the point of this argument @Susan?

I said "Use any distro works for you and live and let live." at 08 Jun 2023 02:40:28...

Dude you need to chill and have some time off. You are losing it...

append delete #45. ClickNin

I'm simply quoting your message. It's not exactly "mentioning" you. If it's simple as using any distro that works for me then this whole argument is pointless.

append delete #46. PC1999


By writing:

Oh yeah? If it's simple as "Use any distro works for you and live and let live." then what's the point of this argument @Susan?

you are mentioning me as Susan.

Do you know/understand English well enough?

append delete #47. AaronTechnic

I don't work for either but I have beta tested releases of ubuntu and recieved stuff from it.

@root, just because I have recieved stuff from Canonical (which were stickers) doesn't mean that I have connections with them.

I'm not going to respond any further, it seems to me that you think iLinux is being slandered and hidden by capitalists and the Linux community, while this distro is nearly unheard of, and is pretty funny to think about since iLinux has done no harm at all. I literally found this distro on the Linux Mint forum. That's how unheard this distro is.

Sure, I have argued a lot here and had irrational hate, but I'm past that for a long time.

append delete #48. AaronTechnic

Oh and not to mention @Susan is way more toxic, she's been toxic to those who like GNOME and puts out anti-Ubuntu and GNOME comments on OMG! Ubuntu!.

Also, where is the source for the "99.99% FOSS Websites sell browsing data"?

append delete #49. root


Sure, I have argued a lot here and had irrational hate, but I'm past that for a long time.

The IRRATIONAL HATE continues.

Only the tactics changed.

Now you use the "unheard distro" tactic.

Case closed.

append delete #50. ClickNin

How about you go online and promote iLinux instead of staying here and continue this pointless argument?

append delete #51. AaronTechnic


Excuse me?

I have better things to do now than hate on iLinux. It is very funny that you think I use TACTICS for a stupid internet argument. I barely even watch movies for god sake 🤣

Go to any Linux forum, Linux communities or reddit, discord, etc. Search iLinux and you will find very little things about it.

If you want iLinux to be successful, go ahead and promote it. You don't get far by thinking there are companies blocking iLinux and harming it.

append delete #52. AaronTechnic

By searching "iLinux" (with quotes) on Google, you will find any website that mentions "iLinux". Out of all the searches, excluding this website, I have found 4 mentions of this distro, which includes 3 blogs and LinuxDistroWatchers.

On reddit, I have found one post, promoting iLinux:

This post was removed (unless you have direct link, which i found off a post), but I don't see it as censorship. At the time r/linux community on reddit had very strict moderation, and it was removed due to the promoter engaging in poor discussion.

To me it seems like there isn't a real target audience for this distro. Not everyone requires 500+ preinstalled apps, and the distro, in my opinion, has a "childish" look. I do remember the creator here saying that looks are subjective, but this is a public distro we are talking about.

append delete #53. root


How about you go online and promote Ubuntu instead of staying here and continue this pointless attack against iLinux OS?

append delete #54. root


I have better things to do now than hate on iLinux. It is very funny that you think I use TACTICS for a stupid internet argument. I barely even watch movies for god sake 🤣

AaronTechnic wrote on 10 Jun 2023 18:38:21 :

I have argued a lot here and had irrational hate.

append delete #55. AaronTechnic

I said it in past tense, had and argued. But I can agree, the arguing here does continue.

append delete #56. root


Your "irrational hate" has put on the mask of "unheard distro".

You try to adapt but there is no way out.

append delete #57. Susan


The most interesting part of all this, is that a FOSS "advocate" like you defends capitalist companies like Canonical and GNOME...

Considering that totalitarian GNOME and it's funders try so hard to create a strictly controlled monopoly on linux, it's obvious why you are here.

And why are you so worried about an "unheard distro"?

append delete #58. Animal

OMG WTF?! How can a human being have IRRATIONAL HATE for a linux distro? This is so sick. I mean OK you can dislike a distro but IRRATIONAL HATE?! This is so psycho! What's really disturbing is that @AaronTechnic accuses others of HATING GNOME without providing evidence of this HATE but at the same time he admits that he has an IRRATIONAL HATE for iLinux. In his mind his IRRATIONAL HATE is OK but if someone else disagrees with GNOME it's HATE and it's not OK. The fact that he uses the word IRRATIONAL is sign of a very disturbed person that can be extremely violent with no apparent reason. This is disgusting. Linux toxicity and madness at it's worst.

append delete #59. Kelly Smith

These psychotic Linux Mafia Army thugs are still here?


@DigiDeLorean nailed it to the bone:

Interesting timing though...

Now that everyone hates Ubuntu and iLinux is released for Raspberry Pi with iLinux Mini/Rolling in the works, out of the blue someone proposes a rebasing to Ubuntu...


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