Seems like the thugs of "Linux Mafia Army" are back, so let's remember what @root said about them:
“Well, let's talk about the so called "Linux Community"...
It's no secret that 99% of all those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Chanells & Linux IRC Chat Channels", promote 5-10 Linux Distros out of 100's. This is not random.
And it goes deeper that that. The hostile behaviour of this "Linux Mafia Army" when you talk about other distros than the ones they push, is classic...
All those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Chanells" sell your browsing data to 1000's of capitalist companies by spying on you via Cookies, so even in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...
I am not saying that it's bad to want to make money, but if at the same time you are preaching Internet Freedom and FOSS, it's a bit hypocritical at best.
So, don't lecture us about the so called "Linux Community".
We know the subversive and covert tactics of your "Dark Web Gang": Online Mob/Swarm Misinformation, Online Mob/Swarm Slandering, Online Mob/Swarm Character Assassination, Online Mob/Swarm Psychological Operations, Online Mob/Swarm Sabotage.
You may have positioned yourself at the backbone of the internet, pulling strings from the shadows, but you are not invisible.”
“They want you to release your Proprietary Code as FOSS in order to profit from it.
It's a classic tactic of the "Linux Mafia Army", to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.
And because they plan far ahead, I think they fear of what iLinux may become.”