iLinux OS Talk

iLinux Mini

append delete mokimoki

In your website > Updates > Development Progress you posted a iLinux Mini version that's in the works. Will it be a smaller download than the 22gb one? I have a netbook with 32gb ssd on board and I can't install the current iLinux :-(

Will you make a mini 32bit version too?

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

Yes. All Mini versions of iLinux OS will be smaller. Our goal is to keep it around 3 GB.

append delete #2. mokimoki

iso or img?

mokimoki added on


append delete #3. iLinux Support Team

All iLinux OS Mini versions will be ISOs with built-in installer.

We will release a 32 Bit version too.

A full IMG version will be released later.

append delete #4. leirbag28

@iLinux Support Team

Please DO NOT listen to every voice. Do not make a iLinux Mini, that totally 100% defeats the purpose... and wastes your precious time and resources...let people get something else or upgrade their hard drive. Plenty of Distros...MX Linux is one.

I do agree GREATLY on a iLinux 32bit edition.

append delete #5. iLinux Support Team


iLinux Mini is our choice and it has it's purpose.

A full IMG version will be released later.

iLinux Development Team is constantly experimenting on many areas...

append delete #6. Dimitris

iLinux Mini will have Servers?

append delete #7. iLinux Support Team



append delete #8. mokimoki

Hi. Why it takes so long to release iLinux mini? :-(

append delete #9. iLinux Support Team


Details matter, it's worth waiting to get it right.

- Steve Jobs

append delete #10. AaronTechnic

good point.

append delete #11. mokimoki

Now that a Raspberry version is out, any idea on the release date of iLinux Mini 32bit or it's abandoned?

append delete #12. iLinux Support Team


It's not abandoned at all!

It will be released when it's ready.

A rough estimate is until the end of summer of 2023.

append delete #13. Arch XXX

If I don't miss my guess iLinux Mini with servers will be a game changer because iLinux devs focus hugely on solid usability and getting things done.

They don't care about bleeding edge buggy experimental software or Wayland bullshit or releasing a new broken distro every month.

Let's face it, for the ordinary folk stability, usability and getting things done is king.

LMAO though! 🤣 I think iLinux devs are just trolling everyone with the announcement of iLinux Rolling release in the works but as an Arch/iLinux user I'm very interested to see how Rolling will turn out!

append delete #14. i386

@Arch XXX

I agree. If iLinux mini has servers suite on board it's gonna be the most tectonic shift in the status quo ever.

append delete #15. Annoula

This is getting better and better all the time. iLinux Mini with servers will be a big hit. It's good that iLinux is now available for Raspberry too.

append delete #16. niko

Can't wait for iLinux Mini! I have a netbook with a soldered 32 gb ssd and I can't install the full version! Please hurry!

append delete #17. Super Mario

iLinux mini with servers 64/32 bit?! That's gonna be awesome! Hope they keep the games apps preinstalled too (Steam, Lutris, Itch). 🤩

append delete #18. AxelF

I believe iLinux Mini will be a huge turning point for Linux users in general. Especially now that the Raspberry edition is available. And when the Rolling release comes out it will be unbeatable. There will be an iLinux edition for everyone.

append delete #19. i386


It will be an avalanche in the linux server landscape as well. iLinux servers GUI and simplicity are second to none.

append delete #20. Susan

IMO iLinux Mini will be a game changer and a huge headache for the "Linux Status Quo".

The coordinated radio silence across the linux landscape about iLinux is prelude enough...

Especially after the revolutionary iLinux Servers interface was released and the newly released Raspberry Pi edition, the "Linux Status Quo" technofascists face a horrific dilemma...


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