iLinux OS Talk

Disk Utility version?

append delete ROUTE 66

Hello! I noticed that Disk Utility in iLinux IRP is older from the one in iLinux. Why is that? Newer has more functions.

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append delete #1. iLinux Creator


iLinux OS IRP is based on Debian 8.

iLinux OS 2 is based on Debian 10.

In the future an update of iLinux OS IRP with Debian 10 will be released. ;-)

append delete #2. ROUTE 66

Is there a timeline for that?

append delete #3. iLinux Support Team

Not a specific one but we plan to release it within 2021. :-)

append delete #4. iLinux Creator


You can now see the Development Progress of iLinux OS IRP 3 in Updates


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