iLinux OS Talk

Animated/Live/Video Wallpapers

append delete Kathy

Hey iLinux devs!

How about some animated/live/video wallpapers app in iLinux?! 🤩

Live desktops are awesome!!!!

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team


As a matter of fact we are working on it for the next Live Update (Version 2.54). 😃

You will be able to play Animated GIFs and Videos Playlist with or without sound.

append delete #2. Animal

WOW! We will be able to play mixed playlists of gifs and videos as backgrounds?!

And what about desktop icons?!

append delete #3. iLinux Support Team


We will be able to play mixed playlists of gifs and videos as backgrounds?



And what about desktop icons?

No. Desktop Icons can't be visible when Animated/Video backgrounds are enabled.

append delete #4. Kathy

You will be able to play Animated GIFs and Videos Playlist with or without sound.


append delete #5. Seraf

I really want to see this on my desktop... 😀

append delete #6. i386

@iLinux Support Team

Is it low on CPU?

append delete #7. iLinux Support Team


Yes. Depending on the size of the GIF/Video it is very low on CPU, starting from 1%.

append delete #8. AxelF

I'd really love to see the implementation of this in iLinux...

append delete #9. Arch XXX

I love LOFI gifs for desktop background!!!! How about some conky setups too?

append delete #10. iLinux Support Team

@Arch XXX

Conky setups are in our future plans too!


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