iLinux OS Talk

I-Linux OS starts Anydesk on boot by default

append delete michael_decomp

Hi there. I-Linux seems good and it has lots of programs that it just has that you don't even need to download first, which is wonderful. I've just downloaded I-Linux Debian from this site and try it out on a VM to check if it is safe. I can't stand the desktop environment it came with so I put KDE on there. I checked around and then I saw the Anydesk service running on boot from SystemD. Is this on purpose? I do not trust software with a remote access tool installed and running in the background. Thanks for checking this for me , since I was plan to using this Linux distro on my newer computer because it has lots of programs installed onto it and that's convenient for me. Also, forgive my writing, English is not a first language for me.

michael_decomp added on

Here I have attach a screenshot showing the Anydesk file :

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

Hi there!

This is not true.

AnyDesk is not open by default in iLinux OS.

Check AnyDesk Settings and iLinux OS > Control Center > Startup Applications

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The screenshot you attached shows /usr/bin which has nothing to do with Startup Items.

The default folders for Startup Items in Debian and iLinux OS are /etc/xdg/autostart/ and ~/.config/autostart/

It also shows the Anydesk Settings command which has nothing to do with Startup Items.

append delete #2. iLinux Support Team

You can also see all active processes via Task Manager application.

append delete #3. michael_decomp

Thanks for this help. I will get to install I-Linux on my computer today. I am new to Linux in general, but everything seems familiar for me to use it.


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