iLinux OS Talk

multiple time machine backups!

append delete mac power

yo dudes! time machine server is cool but what if we want to set an external disc or multiple discs as destination for multiple backups?! is this possible?

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

Yo! We plan to add this function in a future update.

Until then, there is a way but it involves create/editing text files, so it is not User Friendly.

append delete #2. Fotini

That would be great!

Time Machine Backup Server is a great asset and if you add this it will be super duper wow!

append delete #3. mac power

cool! do you plan soon for this update?!

append delete #4. iLinux Support Team

@mac power

Yes! Very soon.

append delete #5. DigiDeLorean

On what disk formats would it work? Only linux ext4 or NTFS too?

append delete #6. iLinux Support Team


Only Linux Ext4.

We tested it on NTFS and exFAT but they are not compatible.

append delete #7. Super Mario

cool option! multiple backups = multiple peace of mind


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