iLinux OS Talk

Multicloud Server missing from Servers on iLinux for Raspberry

append delete DigiDeLorean

Been a long time coming and it's finally here! Congrats!

I sink my teeth to it right away but I couldn't help noticing that my beloved Multicloud Server is missing from Servers...

Any chance you will include it soon? 🙂

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team


Yes! Very soon!

It's already scheduled for the next Live Update (Version 3.1). 😃

append delete #2. iLinux Support Team

iLinux OS 3 "HYPERHELION" 32 Bit Raspberry Pi - System Live Update 3.1 is now available and it includes iLinux Multicloud Server.


append delete #3. DigiDeLorean

WOW! That was fast! 🤩


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