iLinux OS Talk

iLinux Transparent icons are great!

append delete Sonic de Lonic

iLinux Tactical Transparent icons are just great! You can see the wallpaper through the icons! WOW!

Could we have some themes with semi-transparent borders as well like in Windows 7?! It would be awesome!

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append delete #1. Arch XXX

Where are the Transparent icons? I haven't seen any theme with transparent icons in Appearance Themes...

append delete #2. iLinux Support Team

@Arch XXX

Control Center > Look and Feel > Appearance > Theme > Customize...


@Sonic de Lonic

Could we have some themes with semi-transparent borders as well like in Windows 7?! It would be awesome!

No, because windows transparency causes eye fatigue and eye distraction.

And this is the reason why we didn't include transparent menus in iLinux OS interface.

Of course it can be done but there are software limitations to consider.

Until now, the only way to achieve Windows transparency in iLinux OS is to install the "Compiz Compositing Manager" but this will slow down the overall performance, because Compiz is heavier than "Marco".

Marco is the default Compositing Manager of iLinux OS.

append delete #3. Arch XXX

Cool!! 👍

append delete #4. Super Mario

Ooops! Seems like I missed those icons. Very nice!

append delete #5. PC1999

These icons are wondreful! 😍 A breath of fresh air on my desktop!

append delete #6. Animal


append delete #7. tuxer2000

Transparent icons are my favourite! I love transparency on my desktop!


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