iLinux OS Talk

A must read: GNOME Linux — A Complete Disaster?

append delete Susan

Nothing to with iLinux but being an iLinux user with horrible GNOME experience in the past, I found this article to be revealing:

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append delete #1. ClickNin

Hello there!

So I'm back to see if there's anything new here (is iLinuxOS 3 finished yet? seems like not).
After give that article a read, let's say...

While I agree that GNOME isn't perfect, I couldn't say it's bad either. Which DE is good is a subjective opinion as since, you know, this is the world of Linux.

First you have to know that big companies always fund and contribute to open source projects. Google, Red Hat, etc all sponsored Linux kernel (which, of course, iLinuxOS, Debian, and all Linux distro use), so it's normal that GNOME is definitely not an exception. Learn more about sponsorship in

GNOME is not designed for touch screens and tablets, and neither Unity (which is another completely unrelated DE that is similar to GNOME) although it can be adapted to. It's designed for computers, with mouse and keyboard. Imagine using GNOME in a tablet, how can you use it like that? It's so hard to use and there's nothing about it being easy to use.

GNOME have dock, panel (like macOS, if you say GNOME is designed for touch screen, then isn't macOS UI the same..?) and everything you may expect from a DE. It has a clean UI, snappy and just, a good DE in my opinion. Of course GNOME developers are making some questionable decisions like the lack of minimize/maximize button, but all of that can be fixed with extensions, which can be installed with like 3 clicks?

GNOME is also not bloated. But I remember somewhere where someone said:

One person's bloat is another person's treasure

tl;dr. There's always a DE for everyone. For example, I like XFCE4 because it's lightweight, easy to use and I just like it, that's it. You like somewhere else. GNOME might not be a good experience for you and try to not make your opinion a fact, because, at the end it's just a subjective opinion.

append delete #2. Susan
append delete #3. Animal

WOW! Mayhem readings! But when they 're right they 're right....

append delete #4. Arch XXX

The only people who use GNOME nowadays are GNOME developers and employees who don't have any other choice. GNOME is the worst desktop interface ever. Period. Mostly Javascript based, buggy as hell and slower than a handicapped snail on drugs.

And that brings us to the million dollar question: Why IBM, Sun Microsystems, Compaq, Red Hat, Google, Canonical, Debian, SUSE and System76 throw millions of dollars to a project that destroys the Linux User Experience?

append delete #5. root

GNOME was created to destroy and to discredit Linux. That's why it's do heavily funded.

append delete #6. Seraf

Fun fact: At least 90% of Linux and FOSS websites, YouTube channels and IRC channels promote GNOME aggressively in one way or another.

This is no coincidence.

Lately they started promoting Apps written with "libadwaita", which is a library written specifically for GNOME.

So they are writing Apps for GNOME and not Apps for Linux.

They are trying to take over Linux and replace it with GNOME.

Need I say more?

append delete #7. ClickNin

Who force you to use it? libadwaita is just the GNOME version of GTK4.
It's still Linux executables in the end. And you can use it on others DE too.

append delete #8. Seraf


GNOME Development Team - Alice Mikhaylenko:

GTK is used by GNOME, also elementary, xfce etc. It’s not a GNOME-specific library. libadwaita is. End of story.

Really though especially if you’re not writing a GNOME app you should be able to see why libadwaita parts being in GTK would not be a good thing. The only reason you have the option of not using Adwaita style at all is because it’s not in GTK. You wouldn’t have that choice otherwise.


From GNOME 42 onwards GNOME apps will all force the use of Adwaita theme through the new libadwaita library. There are still a few GNOME apps in Ubuntu MATE: gnome-disk-utility, the Firmware app and probably the Language Support app. These should be forked to remove libadwaita and use the system theme.


So they are writing Apps that look good only in GNOME and not Apps for Linux.

Need I say more?

append delete #9. Seraf
append delete #10. Seraf

Every major GNOME release breaks basically all third-party extensions, and version 42 is no exception. Despite decades of development, GNOME seems unable to implement an API that stays reliable at least between two releases. Better believe they do all this on purpose, trying to discourage anyone from changing their masterpiece.

It's clear that GNOME Developers act as Agents of Chaos to the Linux landscape.

append delete #11. i386

I tried to understand GNOME, and I failed at COSMIC tiling too; could I have some MATE again?

append delete #12. ClickNin

This one is actually a nice post to read. Some I can even agree with (for example, that stupid decision of making minimize and maximize buttons hidden by default that can only be re-enabled using GNOME Tweaks).

I don't use Pop!_OS so I don't know exactly how are the problems. Just know that everyone has different opinions on which DE they like and they don't like.

Sure, let's be real, no DE is perfect, each have its own problem. For example on GNOME sometimes all the buttons (minimize, maximize and even exit button) on Chrome just... disappear, so annoying, and then on Xfce (I might be wrong as it's from a while ago), the Chrome window (without OS title bar) sometime have its resolution weird.

I also tried MATE and KDE, KDE was nice, although a bit heavy on system resources, and MATE, which uhm I can't really use for daily driving. Only GNOME has been productive enough for me. Of course I wouldn't say it's perfect, but its enough for me.

Always love to hear others opinions though.

append delete #13. Arch XXX

The only people who use GNOME nowadays are GNOME developers and employees who don't have any other choice. GNOME is the worst desktop interface ever. Period. Mostly Javascript based, buggy as hell and slower than a handicapped snail on drugs.

And that brings us to the million dollar question: Why IBM, Sun Microsystems, Compaq, Red Hat, Google, Canonical, Debian, SUSE and System76 throw millions of dollars to a project that destroys the Linux User Experience?

append delete #14. ClickNin

I'm not a GNOME developer, employee and contributor. I'm a normal user.
Please learn how to respect others opinion please.

append delete #15. Susan

Don't forget that GNOME propaganda machine is heavily funded by companies.

GNOME is a free product made by GNOME Foundation, which is a non-profit company founded in 2000 by companies such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, Compaq and Red Hat. On its advisory board there are many big players, like Google, Canonical, Debian, SUSE and System76. Its annual income has been around 1 million dollars since 2018. Red Hat estimated that 70% of the code committed for GNOME comes from paid participants who work for other companies. So essentially this is not a bunch of volunteer geeks who like to code in the night just for fun, but rather a company with direct and indirect employees, managers, directors, deadlines and a product that needs to make a profit for its investors and shareholders.

It is important to remember all that when talking about GNOME...

And quoting @Seraf:

Fun fact: At least 90% of Linux and FOSS websites, YouTube channels and IRC channels promote GNOME aggressively in one way or another.

This is no coincidence.

Lately they started promoting Apps written with "libadwaita", which is a library written specifically for GNOME.

So they are writing Apps for GNOME and not Apps for Linux.

They are trying to take over Linux and replace it with GNOME.

Need I say more?

append delete #16. Arch XXX


Why are you complaining? In this forum you can speak your mind freely with no censorship as we all do.

Why are you acting like you are in one of those Technofascist Linux "Elite" forums/irc where the well paid pseudocommunist capitalist moderators act like Nazis and bully/kick/block people or delete posts if they don't go along with the current Technofascist Linux "Elite" propaganda?

append delete #17. Annoula

GNOME/Unity is not a DE it's a bad joke. A huge setback that has it's jaws on Linux and won't let go...

When I see a GNOME based distro I don't even bother anymore.

append delete #18. AaronTechnic

GNOME/Unity is not a DE it's a bad joke.

Unity was decent. It lacked customizability but it was a decent desktop. I have faced too many bugs on GNOME than on KDE.

append delete #19. Arch XXX


A desktop that lacks customization is not a desktop. Unity was designed with smartphones and tablets in mind. Not computers.

append delete #20. AaronTechnic

A desktop that lacks customization is not a desktop.

So Macs aren't desktops? Unity was designed with convergence in mind so you have a point.

append delete #21. Arch XXX


Macs have bigger customization factor compared to Unity.

append delete #22. GNOME STILL EXISTS??

GNOME sucks big time!!!!! It's awful and unusable!!!!!

append delete #23. hahaha
append delete #24. nina

This thread is a must read for any linux user...

append delete #25. rpi4fun

Tried GNOME on my pc. It crawls while iLinux OS runs fast as a shark! Tried GNOME on Raspberry Pi and LMAO! GNOME sucks everywhere!


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