iLinux OS Talk


append delete Super Mario

It's so quiet in here lately...

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team

Nice isn't it? 🙂

append delete #2. Super Mario

You are up to something aren't you?

append delete #3. iLinux Support Team

We are always up to something...

append delete #4. Super Mario

Will you tell me what it is? 😉

append delete #5. iLinux Support Team


append delete #6. iXis12


append delete #7. iXis12

Does that even have anything to do with this forum?

append delete #8. iLinux Support Team


When you stop masturbating by hacking root's account, we can talk.

append delete #9. iXis12

Masturbation?? And hacking accounts?? While I was only responding to a message sent literally 3 days ago at the time of me posting that message??? Why would I do that?

Like how would I even do that, and even if I can why? Stop claiming BS already.

append delete #10. iXіs12


append delete #11. iXis12

The above message was not mine by the way. Now who's the one hacking here?

And no, the Boeing 767 (and most of commercial airliners) does not run/rely on iLinux, or Linux or any existing general-purpose operating systems. It uses a custom specifically written RTOS (real-time operating system) as far as I know. Don't take my words for granted here.

append delete #12. letsseewherethisgoes

im killing myself

append delete #13. iLinux Support Team

And the masturbation of the Linux Mafia Army continues...

append delete #14. iXis12

Ah yes the average iLinux Support Team not removing one of the fake account of mine posting while removing every other hacked messages and saying the Linux Mafia Army strikes again... What a great support team.

append delete #15. iXis12

Don't you have anything better to do? Like handling actual genuine constructive criticisms or working to make iLinuxOS better? Than coming here and say BS about this mafia army? Bro this is not Windows.

append delete #16. iLinux Support Team


Don't you have anything better to do?


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