iLinux OS Talk

Website: Forum Direct Link

append delete Kelly Smith

Cheers! Some Users complain that the Forum Link is not too obvious under Support and that it should be put in the Main Menu. What do you think about that?

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append delete #1. iLinux Creator

Well, naturally the Forum (iLinux Talk) link must be under Support.

That is it's natural position since it falls under the category of Support.

Never the less I recognize the fact that in most Linux Distributions websites, the link of "Community" or "Forum" resides in the Main Menu and thus it is a norm for most Linux Users.

I will take that under consideration.

You didn't tell me though, what do you think about that?

append delete #2. Kelly Smith

Technically you are right but the norm and practicality may be more important...

append delete #3. iLinux Creator

A "Community" link is now placed in the Main Menu of the website. ;-)

append delete #4. Kelly Smith

Great! I think it will be for the best!


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