iLinux OS Talk

Thank you for Servers and iLinux

append delete Dimitris

Hi! I am a student of computer sciences in University of Crete. Just want to say thank you to iLinux programmers for Servers and for iLinux as a project. It is a big help for us new in linux because it is very easy and helps us to learn linux faster because of it's scriptable structure. Servers is a very big help for me because I was trying to setup various servers in Ubuntu and it was so messed up. Any chance of releasing a SQL Server gui in the near future?

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append delete #1. Dimitris

I also like that iLinux has many command line programms preinstalled. :-)

append delete #2. Dimitris

Oh and I love Dukto! It is a very big help for LAN transfers because no sharing is needed no matter the OS.

append delete #3. iLinux Support Team

Hi! Welcome to iLinux Community!

Always a pleasure to see happy users!

SQL Server GUI is under consideration but we can't make any promises.

In the meantime use the preinstalled Applications DB Browser for SQLite and emma to manage SQL Databases.

append delete #4. i386

A big thank you from me too! Time Machine Server works like a charm!

append delete #5. i386


Dukto is da bomb! One of the most useful apps ever!!!

append delete #6. iLinux Support Team


Regarding a GUI for SQL Server, things are more complicated compared to existing Servers in iLinux OS, because SQL Configuration must fit the needs of the Administrator/User installing SQL Server.

It's almost impossible for us to guess what Configuration will be chosen by the Administrator/User who is installing SQL using the Default Installation DEB Package:

So, until further notice SQL Server GUI is on hold but we promise to look into it in detail.

iLinux Support Team added on

We are now testing a GUI for MariaDB Server, which is pre-isntalled in iLinux OS and 100% compatible with SQL Server.

Stay tuned!

iLinux Support Team added on

In the meantime you can use MariaDB via the Web Interface of iLinux System Server (Webmin):

iLinux System Server > Unused Modules > MariaDB Database Server

Direct Web Address is:


append delete #7. iLinux Support Team


Additionally you can load SQL Management related Extensions in Application Visual Studio Code, which is pre-installed in iLinux OS via:

Visual Studio Code > View Menu > Extensions

append delete #8. Dimitris


You are right. Dukto should be preinstalled in all devices/OS's and not just iLinux. I first used it in iLinux and now I can't imagine my life without it!

@iLinux Support Team

Thank you very much for your replies! I understand. Did a little Google research and I see what you mean. It would be great though if you could create a GUI for MariaDB and phpMyAdmin!

append delete #9. iLinux Support Team


It would be great though if you could create a GUI for MariaDB and phpMyAdmin!

We are already experimenting on it! ;-)

append delete #10. Dimitris

@iLinux Support Team

I just want to say that you have done a very good job with Vitrual Hosts in Apache Web Server. It is all so easy, clean and infromative. I have direct access to the configuration files directory and each configuration file has the port number on it's name. What I like about iLinux is that I learn by doing due to it's scriptable structure. I can see the code of each function without decompiling and that's a great plus for me.

append delete #11. iLinux Support Team


What I like about iLinux is that I learn by doing due to it's scriptable structure.

That was the intent. ;-)

append delete #12. ClickNin

I'm curious, what in these "scripts"?
Also, the term "decompile" is used wrong here. If it's a script, that mean it doesn't get compiled into anything (bytecode, machine code, etc) and thus can be easily readable by opening the script in a Text Editor. So yeah, I might be wrong if you meant something else.

append delete #13. DigiDeLorean

Virtual Hosts in Apache Web Server is an absolute joy to use. The GUI is insanely simple and you can play endlessly with multiple websites without complex command line sequences. If iLinux developers create a similar GUI for MariaDB/SQL/phpMyAdmin server then we are talking about a major tectonic shift in computing...

iLinux Servers suite is already setting the standard on how simple can be for anyone to use servers but if they can pull this off for MariaDB/SQL/phpMyAdmin as well it will be mayhem in the linux landscape...

append delete #14. Not CCP

I'd hate to disrupt this thread once again, but wouldn't it make a major shift in the whole of Linux and the community if the creator made it available to everyone and provide source code? I like the developer's perspective of making things easier, and making TUI and complicated applications into an easy to use and understand GUI interface.

Every week (or even day) there's always some new software. However it doesn't benefit Linux or most users (not saying it should benefit, but just saying) and most of the software is always some new terminal program or some small fun tool.

The creator should also consider making their software open-source. Again, I don't want to disrupt this thread, and I know what @root talked about the "Dark Web Linux Mafia Gang" but I disagree with what the creator said about making software open source.

They want you to release your Proprietary Code as FOSS in order to profit from it.

Honestly I don't know how would one profit from making the code open source.

It's a classic tactic of the Linux Mafia Army, to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.

I think this never really happen, but one prime example is nVidia and Valve:

nVidia drivers are terrible on Linux, due to the neglect of nVidia. I have seen many "cursing" on nVidia, getting them to make the drivers open-source and even a hacker that threatened nvidia to hack them, unless they make the drivers open source. The hacker (Lap$us) got arrested.

Basically, if nVidia made their drivers open source, with community contributions, they can be better on Linux, and possibly as good as the driver on Windows. Currently, the open source nvidia driver is better than the proprietary one right now.

About Valve:

Valve is the company behind Steam, the popular game store and manager on PC. It's where most games are on.

Recently Valve (Gabe Newell, the founder) has seen that Linux can be a viable gaming platform, and he is doing everything to make it better. The Linux Community (almost everywhere) likes Valve for their efforts for revitalising Linux gaming. However, Steam is not open source, however no one complains about it.

It's biased but I guess that's how it is.

There's also Snap, which many users particularly don't like and Ubuntu has been going downhill just because the Snap Store is not open source....

Thanks for reading. Have a good day.

append delete #15. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

Stop hijacking Threads.

Stop disrupting Threads.

If you want to say something open a new Thread.





append delete #16. Not CCP

I don't know if you read my reply correctly.

But the reason I asked was because the GTK library is licensed under the LGPL, which demands developers using GTK to keep their code open source and follow the 4 freedoms.

Your programs are made with GTK, but it is closed like source, which is a violation of the LGPL.

append delete #17. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

If you think we are breaking the Law go to a Lawyer and don't forget to come forward by Name, ID, Address and Signature.

Stop hijacking Threads.

Stop disrupting Threads.

If you want to say something open a new Thread.

append delete #18. DigiDeLorean
append delete #19. ClickNin

This is my old unused Github from 2018 or 2019 idr.
And yeah the YT channel is mine. I mostly abandoned it anyway.

append delete #20. ClickNin

I have a new Github account at

append delete #21. ClickNin

I do poor quality videos for fun, feel free to check out as it does not related to Linux at all

append delete #22. ClickNin

Now come to main problem, when will we stop?

This has come too far now, just stop.
They made it, they decide how they will license it.
Suggestions, doesn't agree, fine.

Just stop already, it's not worth it to continuing push this any further.
Sorry to everyone for my rude actions, this may be my last message here (unless if you guys wanted a new war).


append delete #23. Dudu123

Dude, just stop already and let us iLinux use whatever we want.
Go on the life man, there are better things to do out here!

append delete #24. Not CCP


I am not ClickNin.


I agree with you. This forum is a toxic cesspool and with one of the worst close-minded people who don't give a shit about licensing.

append delete #25. ClickNin

Will do, thanks.

append delete #26. ClickNin

(response to Dudu123's post)

append delete #27. Not CCP


I agree with you.

I guess I'm just as bad as the Ubuntu haters on social media.

I should get a life. Thanks.

append delete #28. Kelly Smith

@ClickNin @Not CCP

You should be buddies with those fascist cock suckers, CCP, Biden, EU Commission, Putin, Zuckerberg, Gates, Cook, Castro, Hitler, Stalin and Mao...

You act like you own the internet and have the right to dictate to everyone what they should think and what they should do with their work.

You shit on Democracy and freedom of choice.

Typical low life Linux Mafia scums! Dig back to the hole you came from you filth!

append delete #29. DigiDeLorean

@ClickNin @Not CCP

You have redefined what a paid professional Linux hate troll means.

append delete #30. DigiDeLorean


As you can see absolute freedom of speech and no censorship have their price but I prefer this a million times over the alternatives...

append delete #31. ClickNin


append delete #32. ClickNin

Ahh yes,

You should be buddies with those fascist cock suckers, CCP, Biden, EU Commission, Putin, Zuckerberg, Gates, Cook, Castro, Hitler, Stalin and Mao...

You say Tim Cook is a "cock suckers" while iLinux OS is ripping off it's interface and trying to be a alternative. Wow.

#33. Fotini

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #34. Fotini


You are a paid FOSS fascist thug of the Linux Mafia Army.

For months in this forum you are pressing iLinux developers to release their code as FOSS even though they said they will never do it.

You deny them personal freedom of choice and the right to choose what to do with their own code.

So yes, you should be buddies with those fascist cock suckers, CCP, Biden, EU Commission, Putin, Zuckerberg, Gates, Cook, Castro, Hitler, Stalin and Mao...

And for "interface ripping" do your homework before talking. Study computer interface history...

#35. ClickNin

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #36. ClickNin

For months in this forum you are pressing iLinux developers to release their code as FOSS even though they said they will never do it.

Please read my message above please.
If they don't do that, fine. That's not my task, it's up to Linus Torvalds, Debian and GTK developers to do whatever they want. I just want to mention about that.

You are a paid FOSS fascist thug of the Linux Mafia Army.

Any proof that I'm paid? I'm not even in any Linux community before, I'm just a software developer that do that as a hobby and never worked on big projects before. I have my life also and no way someone is going to pay me to raid a stupid forum.

And for "interface ripping" do your homework before talking. Study computer interface history...

iLinux are ripping macOS's interface. It has no way related to GUI history.

append delete #37. ClickNin

The problem is not iLinux are ripping it, but you said that Tim Cook is also a "fascist cock suckers", imagine saying that in front of them. macOS is a Apple product which Tim Cook is now a SEO, so by saying that, why rip their interface anyway?
Also no matter what country you live, if you do something illegal (on internet) you will still get punished. At least that's from my knowledge.

append delete #38. Fotini


Are you really attempting to intimidate me you Linux Mafia thug?! LMAO to that!!!

After Steve Jobs' death Tim Cook publicly admitted that he is gay, aka cock sucker and that's fine. It's not illegal to be gay or sucking cocks. Nor it's illegal to say that a cock sucker is a cock sucker. You simply describe what he chooses to do in his sex life and that's fine.

Edward Snowden's revealed how Apple, Google, Facebook and other companies provide back doors for all US Secret Agencies to monitor and store all our data in a totalitarian and fascist way, so yes, Tim Cook is a fascist cock sucker too.

If you knew the least about computer interface history you would know that macOS started when Steve Jobs bought it from Xerox . You would also know the history of the Dock:

1984 – First version of MacOS is released. No Dock.

1987 – Arthur (the pre-cursor to Risc OS) had a nice little Dock in it.

1989 – RISC OS 2 had an even better Dock in it.

1989 (Later that year) – NeXTSTEP (the pre-cursor to MacOS X) had a nice little Dock in it.

1993 – CDE (Common Desktop Environment) released with a nice Dock. CDE becomes a big, big deal in the Unix and Linux worlds.

1994 – OS/2 3.0 contained a floating dock.

2001 – MacOS X is released with a Dock.

2007 – iOS Launched with a dock.

append delete #39. Dimitris


No problem. I have to put up with the same linux hate trolls in my university every day. :-)

In this forum I have true freedom and I like it. And if someone tries to bully me I can fight back freely. In university I just ignore their linux hate rallies.

#40. Seraf

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #41. Seraf

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and other companies censor you and profit from your data without giving you a piece of the profit. This is criminal. This is fascism.

append delete #42. ClickNin

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and other companies censor you and profit from your data without giving you a piece of the profit. This is criminal. This is fascism.

This is true, but you can't really do anything. In fact, you are using their product anyway (Google Chrome is the best example for this, if you are not using it, ok. Google search is the same) and hey, at least Android is open source and custom ROM exists, so you won't get tracked by installing these custom ROMs (it's made by the community).
For iOS, you can't really do anything. Although they provide these "security" features, the system is proprietary so you don't know what happen behind the scene.
About criminal, fascism, user data is same for all companies, good luck trying to change that (although I hope one day that will change, but that's how people make money).
Linux is here to change that anyway. Open Source + Customizable.
If a product is proprietary, you are the product. Since you don't know what they are doing behind the scene. Open Source product allow you to see the source code and know what the product does.

append delete #43. Not CCP

It's hilarious how you guys accuse us as paid Linux haters when we are criticizing iLinux.

You can apply the same logic with Snapcraft haters or haters for anything. Dislike Facebook? Paid Facebook hater. Dislike Ubuntu? Paid Ubuntu hater.

You do the same with "Linux Mafia Gang". Dislike iLinux? Paid Dark Web Linux Mafia Gang member.

"Linux Mafia Gang" does not exist. It is something you made up to address iLinux haters in this forum, and now you believe that it is a real thing. Search up on the internet "Dark Web Linux Mafia Gang". You will get absolutely nothing because it doesn't exist. Yet you think we are a member of some non exist dark web gang when I have never visited the dark web at all!

You guys are just hyprocrites. I have absolutely no problem with you using iLinux (as of right now) but calling is Linux Mafia Gang is just stupid.

You should be buddies with those fascist cock suckers, CCP, Biden, EU Commission, Putin, Zuckerberg, Gates, Cook, Castro, Hitler, Stalin and Mao...

You are telling me, if one hates iLinux and has different views and opinions, they should be buddies with "fascist cock suckers"? Why would one be friends with Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Mao Zedong?

You are really damaged.

append delete #44. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

Do not disrupt Threads.

Do not highjack Threads.

If you want to say something irrelevant open a new Thread.

You are not critisizing iLinux OS.

You want us to change our License in order to profit from our Work and Code.

This will never happen no matter what you do.

iLinux OS is our product. Not yours.

You want to deny us freedom of choice and the right to choose what to do with our Code.

You are a Communist Fascist Anarchist Dark Web Gang which won't take no for an answer.

You are Linux Mafia Army.

And no matter where you are, England, India, Vietnam or anywhere else, you can't hide.

So let's remeber what @root said about you:


Well, let's talk about the so called "Linux Community"...

It's no secret that 99% of all those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels & Linux IRC Chat Channels", promote 5-10 Linux Distros out of 100's. This is not random.

And it goes deeper that that. The hostile behaviour of this "Linux Mafia Army" when you talk about other distros than the ones they push, is classic...

All those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels" sell your browsing data to 1000's of capitalist companies by spying on you via Cookies, so even in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...

I am not saying that it's bad to want to make money, but if at the same time you are preaching Internet Freedom and FOSS, it's a bit hypocritical at best.

So, don't lecture us about the so called "Linux Community".

We know the subversive and covert tactics of your "Dark Web Gang": Online Mob/Swarm Misinformation, Online Mob/Swarm Slandering, Online Mob/Swarm Character Assassination, Online Mob/Swarm Psychological Operations, Online Mob/Swarm Sabotage.

You may have positioned yourself at the backbone of the internet, pulling strings from the shadows, but you are not invisible.


They want you to release your Proprietary Code as FOSS in order to profit from it.

It's a classic tactic of the "Linux Mafia Army", to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.

And because they plan far ahead, I think they fear of what iLinux may become.

append delete #45. Animal

@Not CCP

If you hate iLinux use another distro man. That's the beauty of Linux. There are distros for anyone. No matter how much you hate iLinux we will not stop using it so go on with your life. We are bored to death with your obsession. Peace out.

append delete #46. Sonic de Lonic

I've seen this "Dogmatic Linux Cult" trying to monopolize Linux for decades via intimidation, coordinated character assassination, staged sexual harassment accusations and self-proclaimed Godhood. It's clear that they have a "Central Command" with operatives promoting certain distros. And it's not a coincidence that they treat DistroWatch like the Holy Grail...

Linux Mafia Army watch out. We are coming for you...

#47. ClickNin

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #48. iLinux Support Team


You are publicly accusing us of stealing.

You may have DELETED your Post at 06 May 2022 12:09:05 in Thread but we ARCHIVE EVERYTHING and you can find it in:

under the PDF named:

iLinux OS Talk _ Thank you for Servers and iLinux - 2022-05-06 15.26.00.pdf

"STEALING" has a specific Legal meaning and it equals "CRIME".

By Accusing/Slandering someone as THIEF, you make very serious Legal Accusations which you will have to PROVE if this ever goes to Court.

Be warned that the contents of this Forum and of the relevant Thread are Archived in Digital and Analog media for future Legal Use.

If you indeed have Evidence and Proof that we are stealing anything from anyone, we dare you to present them to the Appropriate Authorities and don't forget to come forward by Name, ID, Address and Signature.

Since we now know your GitHub page and your YouTube Channel it will be easy to identify you and bring you to Court for Penal and Civil Actions, no matter where you are.

Apologize now and end the Illegal Unproven Unsubstantiated Slandering Campaigns you have waged against the Lead Developer of iLinux OS, George Dimitrakopoulos, and us.

We strongly support Free Speech and Uncensored Dialog, and that is why there is No Register/Login function in this Forum.

But we will not tolerate these Illegal Unproven Unsubstantiated Slandering Campaigns.

append delete #49. ClickNin

Apologize now and end the Illegal Unproven Unsubstantiated Slandering Campaigns you have waged against the Lead Developer of iLinux OS, George Dimitrakopoulos, and us.

What I did, I'm giving suggestions about what I think you are doing wrong. If you don't like it, fine, just stop calling me a mafia. Also I stopped posting ages ago, but your "community member" kept swear and throw all of these words at me, making me angry. It's not illegal, I'm just use reference from GNU, which can be publicly accessable. Well, I guess you will never understand RIP.

First, before even getting me into the court because you think I did something illegal (I never stole anything from you, I never used iLinux or forcing you to do anything, Linux is Linux Torvalds and FSF's right, not mine. Go talk to them, I will found that your license is proprietary and I'm using reference from GNU (look like you haven't not even read the site yet :o), just tell your community member to fix the grammar, stop calling me a mafia (I'm not even getting paid, and did you really think that someone is going to pay me to just say shitty stuff on a forum?). Also your "community member" also posting false claims and information from random untrusted sources from Google, is that legal at all? Freedom of Speech is no way a valid defense for swearing and bullying others for absolute no reasons, just because I'm giving suggestions, just saying my opinions, and just suggest you to do something about the system and the license (please, for the sake of god, read the site I have linked). Freedom of Speech here have no ABSOLUTE MEANING. Is that even legal at all?

Ah yes, good luck with getting me into the court by saying something on a forum that is even have no protection at all . You choose a forum software that doesn't even a proper moderation system and very outdated and then saying the "username" trick a security breach. I did nothing illegal. You can't get someone into the court if someone say your product is a "scam", you can't get someone into the court if they said you stole someone else's work. If that happen, I guess half of the Minecraft community and half of the world will get into the court with you.

Well that's all, no means to be rude but that's. Ah yes, thank you for reviewing my Youtube channel and Github, maybe leave me a star and subscribe :)

append delete #50. ClickNin

But yeah, after all, Apologize for what I never did.

ClickNin added on

EDIT: But hey, I think I did act rude here, so sorry for that too.

append delete #51. iLinux Support Team


You can't get someone into the court if someone say your product is a "scam", you can't get someone into the court if they said you stole someone else's work.

Better consult a lawyer.

append delete #52. ClickNin

@iLinux Support Team
I just wanted to end this, I wanted to focus on better things, but your member (most notably is @Fotini) kept swearing at me and just throw all of these stupid words at me. So better, focus on forum moderation first, make it better, block swearing and then attempt to make your OS better too. That's all I wanted to say now.

append delete #53. iLinux Support Team


Better consult a lawyer.

append delete #54. Not CCP

GNU/The FSF has to handle it. Your distro is in the violation of the LGPL.

append delete #55. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

You better consult a lawyer.

If you indeed have Evidence and Proof that we are violating the Law, we dare you to go to the Appropriate Authorities and don't forget to come forward by Name, ID, Address and Signature.

#56. ClickNin

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #57. ClickNin

EDIT: Report because I made a mistake

If you indeed have Evidence and Proof that we are violating the Law

GPL is not LAW in real world, it's a software license. GPL is what people used to protect their code from being used in proprietary products or being stolen. Hope that clear your mind already :P.
And also, I and @Not CPP are not an authorized copyright holder for Linux, Debian, GTK or whatever, so if you want to beg about license violation, give them a email. Since we are not an authorized copyright holder for all of these software, begging about it here is basically useless .
And also, you act like you were the first to know my Github and Youtube channel.

But anyway, I will not cause any problem from now. If my message bother you or anyone, sorry for that.
Thank you.

- ClickNin

append delete #58. iLinux Support Team


You better consult a lawyer.

append delete #59. Not CCP

"yOu BeTtEr CoNsUlT a LaWyEr." GNU will handle it. GPL/LGPL is not a law in the real world, and GNU can take your project down (due to your violation of the LGPL) or even bring you into court.

What's the use of consulting a lawyer who knows absolutely nothing about the GPL or open source? Most lawyers won't know that.

append delete #60. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

You better consult a lawyer.

append delete #61. Not CCP

Replying with "You better consult a lawyer." because you don't have an appropriate answer.. LOL

append delete #62. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

You better consult a lawyer.

append delete #63. i2

After asking an legal expert in my place, I can confirm that GPL is not a real world law. It's just a software license.
And also,

Since we now know your GitHub page and your YouTube Channel it will be easy to identify you and bring you to Court for Penal and Civil Actions, no matter where you are.

I don't think you can get anything from his Github page and Youtube channel. As these are publicly accessable information, and I checked his page I didn't find any identifiable information, so archiving his page is basically pointless.

As said, I don't know if iLinux is a GPL violation or not, I just enjoy using it.

append delete #64. iLinux Support Team


If we know the GitHub page and YouTube Channel, we can identify the owner.

Being an Actor is not as easy as you may think it is...

append delete #65. i2

If we know the GitHub page and YouTube Channel, we can identify the owner.

Well you are not the only one who know his Github and Youtube so.
It's like if you know Dream's Youtube channel you can find his identify and home address. That's impossible, if it even possible to now, people can already find Dream's real identify.

append delete #66. i2

Also seem like he did nothing illegal here (he just rude and sucks), the forum does not have any rules, so, I'm curious why you hate him that much.

append delete #67. iLinux Support Team


If we know the GitHub page and YouTube Channel, we can identify the owner.

Being an Actor is not as easy as you may think it is...

append delete #68. i2

If we know the GitHub page and YouTube Channel, we can identify the owner.

Can you help me identify Dream's identify if you can really do that? People will be really shocked!
His youtube is
I'm curious to know his identify!

append delete #69. iLinux Support Team


If we know the GitHub page and YouTube Channel, we can identify the owner.

Being an Actor is not as easy as you may think it is...

And for the record, we do not hate anybody.


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