iLinux OS Talk


append delete Sifo

iLinux, the Beautiful, Powerful and Revolutionary macOS alternative!

I really loves this OS, as it give me the feeling of using macOS, without paying, or tinkering to enjoy using it!

The developer behind this is really fantastic!

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append delete #1. Fotini

iLinux is an amazing computer experience...

append delete #2. Fotini


What OS you were using before iLinux?

append delete #3. ClickNin

What OS you were using before iLinux?

I have used macOS 10.13 High Sierra.

append delete #4. ClickNin

How TF can you post as me @Sifo.

That's not me.

append delete #5. Fotini


Do you think iLinux is better than macOS High Sierra and if yes, how?

I am very interesting to hear your point of view.

append delete #6. Sifo

Do you think iLinux is better than macOS High Sierra and if yes, how?

Yeah, iLinux is really fantastic! 500 preinstalled applications saves me a lot of time finding the Internet. And with the prebundled VirtualBox PC Emulator I can use my macOS apps too! It's revolutionary.

append delete #7. Fotini


macOS Apps in VirtualBox can be really slow if you don't have a powerful rig...

append delete #8. ClickNin

macOS Apps in VirtualBox can be really slow if you don't have a powerful rig...

Yeah I know, but with some optimization I can run them somewhat, usable.

append delete #9. Fotini


It's funny.

I am asking @Sifo and @ClickNin answers...

append delete #10. Animal

Macs are becoming more appalling as time passes.

Too expensive for what you get.

macOS Monterey can't run on a Mac that runs Big Sur?!

Fuck you Apple. I'll pass and use iLinux.

append delete #11. ClickNin

Fuck you Apple. I'll pass and use iLinux.

Which, go backwards on both design and functionality.

Well I'm not sure exactly how @Sifo can post as me, but a few expert on this stuff explained to me that a single character change (from Latin to Cyrillic for example) can allow doing these thing. So that's it. But iLinux Support Guy mentioned that there is other possibilities too, which I never know. And he got that at a reason to tell me both a "mafia" and "hacker". If I never tried it, then how in the world I'm going to know that there are other possibilities? And imo this isn't even a secured forum at all, so calling that a "security beach" doesn't make any sense at all LOL.

@Sifo is probably iLinux Support Team's ALT again, there is no question about it.

ClickNin added on

"security breach", typo.

append delete #12. Fotini


Yeah right...

Everyone that disagrees with you is an imaginary ALT...

You hate iLinux but you took the time to consult Experts...

"Linux Mafia Army" EPIC FAIL...



append delete #13. ClickNin

You hate iLinux but you took the time to consult Experts...

I don't even need to ask them LMAO, I just browse around the Discord server and found some explaination.

"Linux Mafia Army" EPIC FAIL...

Right, right, iLinux fanboy.

append delete #14. Fotini


Actually I am a girl dickhead...

Get a life or use another Linux Distro...

If you don't use iLinux what are you doing here "Linux Mafia Army"?

append delete #15. AaronTechnic

I like how you called @ClickNin a "dickhead" when you never mentioned your gender.

Why don't YOU get a life, "iLinux Mafia Army"?

append delete #16. Fotini


Get a life or use another Linux Distro...

If you don't use iLinux what are you doing here "Linux Mafia Army"?

append delete #17. ClickNin

If you don't use iLinux what are you doing here "Linux Mafia Army"?

1 reasons, no questions.

You called me a Mafia, which is unacceptable, and what is more unacceptable is that I'm just giving suggestions, pointing out the araa that from my point of view is not good enough. I'm also telling you guys that including GPL licensed software (Linux) in a Proprietary license, which is a GPL Violation. I'm also giving proofs that there is no FOSS site that collect your data and send it to your imagination "1000's company", and what you did? Telling that I'm a part of "Linux Mafia Army".

append delete #18. iLinux Support Team



You are trying to mislead and disinform.

We have covered these topics extensively.

Any one who reads the Threads in this Community understands.

So let them read and decide for themselves.

append delete #19. AaronTechnic

You are an idiot "iLinux Support Team". ClickNin is talking facts. You are the one trying to mislead and disinform.

I checked at least 10 Linux websites that uses cookies and none of them sell data. Are you living in 2010 or something?

append delete #20. iLinux Support Team



You are trying to mislead and disinform.

We have covered these topics extensively.

99% of "Linux Community" Websites gather Cookies and sell your Browsing Data to 1000's of "Partners" and "Legitimate Interest Parties" and they DO IT ONLY FOR MONEY while at the same time they have the audacity το preach FOSS, Internet Freedom, Surveillance Free Internet and ANTICAPITALIST ETHICS. PERIOD.

If you don't have ROOT ACCESS to their Servers and to all Connected Software, it's impossible to know what they are doing with your data.

Your cover and your hypocrisy is blown. Live with it.

Any one who reads the Threads in this Community understands.

So let them read and decide for themselves.

append delete #21. ClickNin

If you don't have ROOT ACCESS to their Servers and to all Connected Software, it's impossible to know what they are doing with your data.

DNS Lookup, Fiddler, and some Network debugging software are enough to tell the truth.

append delete #22. iLinux Support Team


DNS Lookup, Fiddler, and some Network debugging software are enough to tell the truth.


You are trying to mislead and disinform.

If you don't have ROOT ACCESS to their Servers and to all Connected Software, it's impossible to know what they are doing with your data.

You are trying to cover up for "Linux Mafia Army" but every word you say exposes them more.

append delete #23. ClickNin

If you don't have ROOT ACCESS to their Servers and to all Connected Software, it's impossible to know what they are doing with your data.

Yeah it's not possible to see what they are doing with our data, but I can see if that site is sending anything, that's the point. And if the site is not sending anything, then it's impossible for them to manipulate the data. Packet Capture and raw Send/Receive is enough to tell if the site send or receive anything.

You are trying to cover up for "Linux Mafia Army" but every word you say exposes them more.

What are you talking about?

append delete #24. iLinux Support Team


And if the site is not sending anything, then it's impossible for them to manipulate the data.


You can't know what the Server is sending to other IPs with software not connected to the site but pulling data from the site.

append delete #25. ClickNin

You can't know what the Server is sending to other IPs with software not connected to the site but pulling data from the site.

Well did you tried what I said before making these statement?

append delete #26. iLinux Support Team


You can't know what the Server is sending to other IPs with software not connected to the site but pulling data from the site. Period.


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