I am leaving behind all the hate and disrespect of other Linux users against iLinux OS and I focus on the philosophy of the people who made iLinux OS a reality:
Instead of thinking in terms of "better than", think in terms of "what do Ι need to do", try them (Linux distros) and see which one is best for your needs.
You can use any Linux Distro you like.
We believe in Good Software.
We don't care if it is Free, Paid, Open Source or Proprietary, as long as it does not violate our Freedoms and our Rights.
We respect every User and his choices.
After all, there is a reason behind these choices.
We do not hate Microsoft Windows, macOS or other Linux distributions.
We believe that users should use what they think and feel is best for them.
And we deeply respect any User or Developer that sits in front of a computer with a dream to create something wonderful!