iLinux OS Talk

iLinux press coverage

append delete spaghetti

Even though iLinux is so good and feels so unique I don't see it on any linux news/blog websites or any tech websites. I just don't get it. Why?

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append delete #1. pasta

iLinux isn't popular. It's just another Debian distro. I do respect the work and time taken to make the DE, since it's not something like KDE or MATE.

append delete #2. iLinux Support Team


It's just another Debian distro.

Name one Linux distro that offers what iLinux OS offers out of the box.

append delete #3. iLinux Support Team


There is an Army of Paid Employees that Promote only certain Linux Distros and control hundreds of YouTube Channels, hundreds of Linux Related Websites and almost all Linux related IRC Channels.

append delete #4. spaghetti

@iLinux Support Team

An Army? Is that possible? I mean I see that only a handful of distros get promoted but an Army?

append delete #5. Linux Support Team


Yes. An Army. A well funded Army to be exact.

There is nothing wrong with making money, but you can't preach Linux/FOSS ethics while being paid to be a Fanboy/Fangirl to whoever pays the most...

...or by selling your Website Visitor's Cookie Personal Data to thousands of companies while preaching against Big Brother...

append delete #6. root


No Linux distro or app should be judged by it's popularity but by its usefulness.


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