iLinux OS Talk

iLinux OS Rolling Servers?

append delete tux in love

Will the rolling release have the servers suite as in all other editions?

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append delete #1. iLinux Support Team


append delete #2. YouAreFake

I know you are fake and this forum page is fake. Your various accounts, such as "Susan", "rpi4fun!", "leirbag28", and others, are all fake. NOBODY talks like this. I know for a fact that you, George Dimitrakopoulos, are the ONLY PERSON who writes by capitalizing RANDOM WORDS like this. You are not trying very hard to hide yourself. You also own the website "" and I have no idea why you are doing this. Even I am fake. If your Linux distro is ANY GOOD, people would DOWNLOAD it and post DAILY onto this forum. But clearly, it's just YOURSELF and a few TROLLS who just want to MESS with you.

YouAreFake added on

Furthermore, iLinux OS is a GARBAGE operating system. It runs VERY POORLY on most computers I have tested it on. You frequently link to a page talking about a non-existent "Linux Mafia Army" hosted on anytime any criticism is brought on about your operating system. It violates the GPL v3 public license, and most privacy laws, since there is remote desktop software running 24/7 when the computer is active. Can you explain why the browser's home page has links to GORE WEBSITES? Do you think it is "FREE SPEECH" to show gore? Would you consider links to websites like LiveLeak to be ethical? I don't want any nonsense responses from you. I would like your genuine opinion. Thank you.

append delete #3. Animal


LMAO to death once again!!!! Who are you people?! You are so paranoid it's getting so boring all over and over again! Get a life dudes....

append delete #4. YouAreFake


You are yet ANOTHER ACCOUNT owned by George Dimitrakopoulos! I can tell this because you consistently reply to posts as if you're TRYING TO DEFEND iLinux OS in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!!!! You also write VERY SIMILARLY to George Dimitrakopoulos. I am not just CONVINCED that you are George Dimitrakopoulos! I know FOR A FACT you are George Dimitrakopoulos!!!!!!! Do you really think ANYONE uses iLinux OS as a main operating system?

append delete #5. iLinux Support Team


You hate iLinux OS and you can't let go of that hate or just use another Linux Distribution.

You have a persecution mania mental disorder and you refuse to go to a doctor or use another Linux Distribution.

There is nothing we can do about it.

You must seek professional medical assistance immediately.

append delete #6. Linux Soul

Haters gonna hate...

Arch users use Arch BTW...

No big deal...

Life is so beautiful to waste time on fanatics...

append delete #7. Animal


Even I am fake.

Are you AI bot?!

append delete #8. AaronTechnic

@Animal, YouAreFake didn't even say that. Don't falsely accuse.

append delete #9. iLinux Support Team


As a matter of fact you are lying.

Check out 04 Oct 2023 02:06:14 post in this thread, on the first paragraph.

I know you are fake and this forum page is fake. Your various accounts, such as "Susan", "rpi4fun!", "leirbag28", and others, are all fake. NOBODY talks like this. I know for a fact that you, George Dimitrakopoulos, are the ONLY PERSON who writes by capitalizing RANDOM WORDS like this. You are not trying very hard to hide yourself. You also own the website "" and I have no idea why you are doing this. Even I am fake. If your Linux distro is ANY GOOD, people would DOWNLOAD it and post DAILY onto this forum. But clearly, it's just YOURSELF and a few TROLLS who just want to MESS with you.

append delete #10. i386


You also own the website "" and I have no idea why you are doing this.


append delete #11. DigiDeLorean


You also own the website "" and I have no idea why you are doing this.


append delete #12. AaronTechnic

@iLinux Support Team

Thanks for correcting me, now I'm wondering what that person was thinking.

append delete #13. iLinux Support Team


Are you sure it was a person and not an AI bot targeting this forum?

A first level linguistic analysis indicates it is an AI bot.

append delete #14. iXis12

@iLinux Support Team

AI and Bots are different things (they can be made to work with each other but that's unlikely to be the case here).

AI tends to write (mostly) grammatically correct messages (well that sorta depends on the dataset that was used to train it), but it's unlikely an AI that sent that message. Training an AI model is a costly and time-consuming process, and who would really want to train a model just for targeting a relatively unknown forum anyways?

Probably some trolls or something.

append delete #15. iXis12

But either way, I think what that guy said is a bit of a truth.

Most people here talk in mostly the same way, indicating that they are in the same place and have the same language/grammar skills (definitely suspicious if you'd tell me). The unmoderated nature of this forum (no proper account system) and using outdated forum software (NoNonsense Forum, which last commit is from 2015) is not secure at all.

Consider upgrading to a newer forum software (don't use old unmaintained software like NoNonsense, that is just asking for troubles later on) and (at least) add some protection/moderation mechanisms against multi-accounting. That should prevent trolls.

append delete #16. iXis12

It's more "anarchy" than "freedom of speech" at its current state.

append delete #17. iLinux Support Team


You Linux Mafia Army thugs just can't resist the addiction of emerging again and again...

Your profilers have taken the bait and you are exposed.

append delete #18. Arch XXX


Why are you complaining? In this forum you can speak your mind freely with no censorship as we all do.

Why are you acting like you are in one of those Technofascist Linux "Elite" forums where the well paid pseudocommunist capitalist moderators act like Nazis and bully/kick/block people or delete posts if they don't go along with the current Technofascist Linux "Elite" propaganda?

append delete #19. iXis12

What? What the fuck are you talking about?!? What "mafia army"?

I'm not complaining? Why should I complain? Stop making shit up.

append delete #20. iXis12

@Arch XXX said

In this forum you can speak your mind freely with no censorship as we all do.

Yet when anyone says something that doesn't align with this "freedom of speech" everyone on this forum suddenly forget about that opinion thing and instantly say that they are a part of some shit like mafia army.

You people never learns. You don't listen to constructive criticisms, you don't listen to other people's suggestions, all you do was responding to overreacted praising posts and tell anybody who gives you constructive criticisms that they are a part of "linux mafia army" and are paid to go and raid this fucking forum.

Learn to read. For the sake of god learn how to understand constructive criticisms.

I don't even said anything about iLinuxOS yet now I'm being called a mafia too.

Why not just removing this whole "opinion" forum altogether, or at least rename it? Because people cannot express their opinions here apparently. Either say good things about iLinuxOS, or we will fuck you over.

append delete #21. iXis12

iLinux OS - Opinions

It's truly unfortunate. A Linux distro with a great idea that could actually allow less-skilled people to finally try Linux for themselves and have a feel of a objectively superior choice to Windows or macOS yet having a community like this is truly disappointing.

Can you all be human and be civil to each other? Can people even able to express their opinions at all without getting bullied like this?

All I did was suggesting replacing the current outdated forum software with a more modern, maintained and more secure alternative.

append delete #22. iXis12

Now let's wait for the usual "You Linux Mafia Army" message from its creator and/or its community.

I'm not even using Linux (yet), I'm using Windows and I don't even tried and said anything about iLinuxOS yet.

If you want to have a civil discussion in a truly "freedom of speech" manner, perhaps just stop all of this bullshit altogether.

append delete #23. iLinux Support Team


This Community is a "Censorship Free Zone" and it will always be. You can write whatever you want and bare the appropriate responses.

We are discussing freely in an environment with NO CENSORSHIP.

Can you name another Linux Community where you can say whatever you want without Registration, without being Blocked or without being Kicked out?!

append delete #24. Animal


It's more "anarchy" than "freedom of speech" at its current state.

Dude you are so burned out you can't see past your blinding hate..

append delete #25. DigiDeLorean

@YouAreFake + @iXis12

Do you really believe that such a massive project as iLinux OS is the work of one person, aka George Dimitrakopoulos?

append delete #26. iXis12

Can you name another Linux Community where you can say whatever you want without Registration, without being Blocked or without being Kicked out?!

No. But at least I wouldn't need to see people bullying the shit out of me and calling me a fucking mafia despite not even mentioning iLinuxOS without being given any punishments whatsoever. Everyone loves freedom of speech, sure, but this isn't how it was done.

People kept blaming "hackers" when somebody else uses their username to troll around despite the owner of this forum literally USING outdated and unmaintained forum software with its last commit from 2015 (that's 8 years man). All of this can be avoided simply by using something else that's more maintained and secure, yet people here seems to like to just stay, do nothing about it and kept blaming "hackers" for their problems.

People kept bullying others (calling them mafia, telling them to fuck off, just look around here) when they (1) say bad things about iLinuxOS or suggests an improvement to the OS and (2) giving constructive criticisms/suggestions, pointing out bad things on the forum, etc. Bullshit like "we are non-censored, freedom of speech, etc" are not uncommon here, and people here have an obsession with it.

It seems like people here could not recognize the problem by themselves. Blindly defending an OS from literally good and constructive suggestions and will say/bully other when their thoughts are not the same as most people here.

Also, from the first glance, most messages seems to be alike in terms of both grammar and wording. This raises the concern of whether or not did all these people are the same one.

Do you really believe that such a massive project as iLinux OS is the work of one person, aka George Dimitrakopoulos?

Yes, he's the only one who is listed in the creator page. If there's anymore developers, their names and appropriate attribution should also be listed as well.

I guess only time will tell if this forum will improve.

P/S: I have not used iLinuxOS yet nor do I said anything about it. Stop bullying me for non-existent shit bs.

append delete #27. iXis12

I can even suggest a few viable alternative modern and maintained forum software if the owner really wishes to fix the forum.

append delete #28. iLinux Support Team


To sum up:

You are a Windows User and you have never used Linux or iLinux OS.

You are using SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) of the Technofascist Linux Mafia Army

You are abusing the absolute freedom of speech in this community by constantly Hijacking threads with multiple accounts, attemting Character Assassinastions, blaming iLinux OS and bullying anyone that disagrees with you.

You are lying at the pace you breathe.

We have infinite patience and the time of Linux Mafia Army is running out...

append delete #29. iXis12

You are a Windows User and you have never used Linux or iLinux OS.

I have USED Linux before (Linux Mint, Debian and Fedora) and I have basic knowledge of it (basic package management, compiling source code, etc...).

Currently I'm dualbooting Windows 11 and Debian 12 Bookworm. My computer (more accurately my GPU) doesn't support Vulkan so I use Windows to play DirectX games.

Yes, I have never used iLinuxOS, so I cannot give an accurate POV on it yet.

You are abusing the absolute freedom of speech in this community by constantly Hijacking threads with multiple accounts, attemting Character Assassinastions, blaming iLinux OS and bullying anyone that disagrees with you.

Proofs? Stop avoiding my point by saying non-sense. Where did I "blame iLinuxOS" and why should I when I haven't even used it yet? When did I "abuse" freedom of speech? It's freedom of speech, and I should be able to say whatever I want to, isn't that the whole point of freedom of speech? Hypocrisy.

When did I bully everyone? Show proof then. Wasn't I the one who was being bullied here?

This is my only account on this forum (that is, iXis12), I don't know anybody else on this forum.

Stop saying non-sense.

append delete #30. iXis12

About hijacking threads, yes I acknowledge that and I'm sorry. Should probably create a new thread if this pointless shit continues.

append delete #31. iLinux Support Team


I have USED Linux before (Linux Mint, Debian and Fedora) and I have basic knowledge of it (basic package management, compiling source code, etc...).

So you are lying and you can't keep track of your lies. On 08 Nov 2023 12:45:35 you wrote:

I'm not even using Linux (yet), I'm using Windows

append delete #32. iLinux Support Team


Yes, I have never used iLinuxOS, so I cannot give an accurate POV on it yet.

Use it first, then talk about it.


Yes, he's the only one who is listed in the creator page. If there's anymore developers, their names and appropriate attribution should also be listed as well.

In many Linux Distros not all members of the Development Team want to be public.

In many Linux Distros there is no information what so ever about the developers.

In the iLinux OS Creator webpage you read that George Dimitrakopoulos is the Lead Developer.

This means that there is a Team he leads. It's plain english.

append delete #33. iLinux Support Team


It's a classic tactic of misinformation and propaganda to mislead and conceal the real target.

You Linux Mafia Army thugs focus on how many the developers are and not in the product.

The value of the product does not change depending on how many the developers are.

And there is a profound self-trap in your tactic:

If iLinux OS is the work of one person, that increases the value of the person.

If iLinux OS is the work of a team, you have no clue what is really going on behind the scenes. Past, present and future.

Either way it's a lose-lose scenario for you.

append delete #34. iLinux Support Team


When did I "abuse" freedom of speech?

Constantly hijacking forum threads is one of the worst forms of bullying in the internet.

It's blatant subversion and it targets all users of the forum.

And it has been one of the main tactics of Linux Mafia Army against iLinux OS.

append delete #35. iLinux Support Team


Where did I "blame iLinuxOS"

Your Character Assassination attempts against the Lead Developer, George Dimitrakopoulos and against the entire iLinux OS Development & Support Team are blatant.

You are following the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Isolate-Alienate-Exterminate.

You will fail.

append delete #36. DigiDeLorean

@iLinux Support Team

It's clear that @iXis12 is trying to provoke an emotional response from you and he/she fails.

It's also crystal clear that the character assassination attempts are constant and reckless.

It's all very clear to the rest of us...

append delete #37. Seraf


Linux Mafia Army think they have the power because capitalist companies throw millions of dollars to them in order to subvert, divide and criple Linux.

Eventually they will fail as every dictatorship does.

append delete #38. Super Mario

@iLinux Support Team

I see they are afraid of iLinux Rolling a lot and that's why they're so blatant with their attacks.

iLinux Rolling ISO with installer and Servers combo will be unbeatable if done right....


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