iLinux OS Talk

iLinux+MATE: Usability above everything

append delete AxelF

I switched to iLinux because of MATE on steroids!

I like what the devs have done to MATE in iLinux though it was kinda strange at first cause i couldn't change anything in the top panel and it felt weird. MATE is a truly complete Desktop and unlike XFCE/LXDE/etc, MATE doesn't feel like a half-assed job done in the name of being "light-weight". All those people that go after lightweight forget about usability. Lightweight is no use when you lack basic features.

I was shocked when i saw the Control Center screenshots and for a moment i thought was that MATE or Cinnamon WTF?! :o

Having tried XFCE too i say this: XFCE and MATE, though they might appear to be the same, there is a whole lot of difference between "uses more memory" and "runs faster" concepts. My old Xubuntu installation was sure enough quite economical in the use of RAM, but the MATE installation is faster and feels snappier - i really don't care how much RAM it actually uses cause unused RAM is wasted RAM anyways, isn't it? If you are happy with the app speed and responsiveness on your desktop, why should you even care how much memory it uses?

MATE is a solid and usable DE. I'm personally not a fan of Gnome3/Unity and the idea of removing useful things for the sake of "simplicity" or changing things just for the sake of changing them. IMO there isn't anything like MATE at the moment in terms of environments (that im aware of) so i'm glad that it's the base for iLinux UI and people have the option of an "elevated" MATE derivative.

iLinux proved to me how expandable and useful MATE is in real use case scenarios. You can fool around, linux ricing, distro hopping and bitch with any linux distro but you can't work with any linux distro. I mean iLinux devs were very smart: instead of creating a new DE from scratch they tweaked MATE to hell and created a new DE unlike any other in terms of usability and speed combo.

Also i absolutely dig the total freedom of speech in this forum: come in, no censorship, talk without register, gone. I've had enough with toxic linux forums and fucked up moderators all those years. Disco rules! My 2 cents...

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append delete #1. Sonic de Lonic

I agree. Mate was indeed the most usable DE and it beats down XFCE but all that until iLinux arrived. The first thing I always looked for in a linux distro was the settings panel. Lightweight is good but settings are a core component of any OS and if they are not sufficient the OS goes to trash. If you use iLinux Control Center once you can't go back to anything else. Cinnamon System Settings is the only competitor but Cinnamon is considerably heavier compared to Mate. What I like about iLinux's Control Center is the amount of extra settings that turns iLinux into a completely different beast compared to vanilla Mate. Vanilla Mate is good and usable but too basic. iLinux devs blew it out of proportion but with a good reason I believe. Many may say that they exaggerate (...and they have...) but if you look at it from a usability perspective it can't get any better.

I think iLinux devs were fed up (as many of us) with incomplete and heavy DE's and decided to do something about it. You can see it in the details all around iLinux. Sure, Openbox and LXDE are fast but when it comes to settings and the overall usability/user experience so long Openbox, so long LXDE. Sure iLinux devs have used components of lighter DE's to built iLinux's interface but in a way that all components melt great together in a very pleasing aesthetic result without compromising speed.

My 3 cents!

append delete #2. Linux Soul

Ah! Usability...

That's what I love the most in iLinux...

append delete #3. Animal

Control Center in iLinux is a user's bliss!

Simple is good but if simple means crippled it's not simple man, it's stupid.

I believe in KIUS (Keep It Usable Stupid) rather than KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) because developers have turned KISS into KICS (Keep It Crippled Stupid)...

Animal added on

For example: I love the simplicity of Chrunchbang, Bunsen Labs and all Openbox distros but when it comes to system settings OMG WTF?

append delete #4. Kathy


I believe in KIUS (Keep It Usable Stupid) rather than KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) because developers have turned KISS into KICS (Keep It Crippled Stupid)...


#5. ClickNin

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#6. ClickNin

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append delete #7. ClickNin

This forum is very bugged out right now as it keep automatically posting my reply when I'm typing.

ClickNin added on

Or maybe it's a problem on my side?

append delete #8. ClickNin

Here is my opinion (previous post deleted)

MATE is a truly complete Desktop and unlike XFCE/LXDE/etc, MATE doesn't feel like a half-assed job done in the name of being "light-weight". All those people that go after lightweight forget about usability.

First, why compare MATE with other DE?
XFCE/LXDE and a lot of lightwight DE are all complete and rock stable DE, they had all basic features, and offer all of the customizations, what you want more? Of course some DE like Openbox or some Window Compositor has way more less features and customization, but since they are for different purposes (such as for server that work mostly on CLI and requires very little GUI interaction, or for computer that have limited hardware, etc), why mention about it?
Not to mention that you said that they lack basic features, did you REALLY tried it?

I was shocked when i saw the Control Center screenshots and for a moment i thought was that MATE or Cinnamon WTF?! :o

Why you put a Settings/Control Panel app over everything to rate a DE (or OS)?

i really don't care how much RAM it actually uses cause unused RAM is wasted RAM anyways, isn't it?

If you are happy with the app speed and responsiveness on your desktop, why should you even care how much memory it uses?

Not correct, more unused RAM, the more your computer will work smoothly. As the core process of the system needs RAM too! Not only the DE. And let's say you playing some games, then you say unused RAM is wasted RAM? Imagine the used RAM is 99.9% and there is barely any RAM left for the system, then the system will crash, of course. And oh boy, imagine browsing the internet with only 500MB RAM left ocupied by a game and some background process nowaday (if your system still alive).

And okay, GNOME 3/Unity are the real foundation of Linux Graphical Environment from the early days, when Ubuntu still using Unity, it has much more features, work more smoothly, and simply more lightweight. GNOME has a similar design to Unity, however it really not "lightweight" anymore, and more like mobile-orbiented.

I mean iLinux devs were very smart: instead of creating a new DE from scratch they tweaked MATE to hell and created a new DE unlike any other in terms of usability and speed combo.

Basically, that's not creating a new DE, if you tweaking something to make it look different, it's customization, and so iLinux's DE is still MATE and just heavily customized.

Also i absolutely dig the total freedom of speech in this forum: come in, no censorship, talk without register, gone.

And toxic, no word fitter, people swearing, etc.

append delete #9. Agreeing Man

I have to agree, @ClickNin. The people here are just stupid and dumb.

No one can get dumber than saying "Google knows India better than Indians".

Google is a search engine, not a person. Google's results are from multiple websites, and if you search something India/Indian on Google, the websites Google will show will be either written by Indians, or tourists who have visited India, and misinformed/uninformed people like @Fotini.

And speaking of @Fotini, go learn Indian history if you think India is ruled by tyrants and has a "brutal" caste system.

#10. root

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append delete #11. root

I believe in KIUS (Keep It Usable Stupid) rather than KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) because developers have turned KISS into KICS (Keep It Crippled Stupid)...

- Animal


I'm personally not a fan of removing useful things for the sake of "simplicity" or changing things just for the sake of changing them.

- AxelF


You both nailed it.

These are the two basic principles on which every Operating System should be based if it wants to be successful.

append delete #12. ClickNin

These are the two basic principles on which every Operating System should be based if it wants to be successful.

And I already know that, and are you dumb or what?
I'm literally talking about why comparing MATE with others DE and saying that only MATE has "basic features".

append delete #13. ClickNin

And also, Windows kind of putting KIHS (Keep It Heavy, Stupid) than anything, and iLinux does too. Because of all of these bloatware that may fit this but not that. A separate build of iLinux that does not contain about of these useless preinstalled crap is recommended.

But anyway, Windows is still successful. Every OS has all the basic features, and lightweight OS usually remove some thing that may be not required for performance, that's normal. And if you don't like that, don't use it. Remember, not all OS are for the same purpose xd

append delete #14. ClickNin

But you are misunderstanding on the term of KISS. Keep it simple means only basic features that everybody need are here, and other useless features are not. If your opinion is that you prefer KIUS, then KISS does exactly that. Simple IS NOT crippled.

append delete #15. root


As always you are out of topic.

iLinux is lightweight.

Having preinstalled Apps is irrelevant to CPU and RAM consumption.

append delete #16. root


Read before you write.

Animal said "developers have turned KISS into KICS (Keep It Crippled Stupid)".

append delete #17. ClickNin

Having preinstalled Apps is irrelevant to CPU and RAM consumption.

For me, it does. As a lot of preinstalled apps (listed in the site) does have background services, which you know, run in the background, that consume RAM/CPU too. Also the more apps installed, the system will requires more Disk IO task, the DE will also use additional resources to render the icons, and that will affect performance too.

append delete #18. ClickNin

Animal said "developers have turned KISS into KICS (Keep It Crippled Stupid)".

Can you point me to a OS/DE/Program that does that? As I said, SIMPLE is not CRIPPLED.

append delete #19. root


Which preinstalled Apps that are listed on the site ( ) have Background Services ACTIVE if they are not open?


Can you point me to a OS/DE/Program that does that? As I said, SIMPLE is not CRIPPLED.

GNOME/Unity are crippled to death as Desktop OS's because they are designed for Mobile Devices (Tablets and Phones).

LXDE/Openbox and other lightweight DE's are crippled because they lack essential System Settings and/or essential functions.

Again, as others have said in this thread, usability should not be sacrificed in the name of "simplicity" because unusable is not even simple. It's unusable.

append delete #20. Fotini


The problem with developers is that they usually develop OS's with a developer perspective and not with an End User perspective.

We've seen it multiple times in Linux distros.

As I've said before, has it ever occured to developers that people use Linux just to use their computer and not to learn how to use Linux?

Fotini added on

Even macOS is getting crippled over time in the name of "simplicity".

append delete #21. ClickNin

LXDE/Openbox and other lightweight DE's are crippled because they lack essential System Settings and/or essential functions.

They are "lightweight", as the word mean, there is practically no way to just make something work best and more lightweight just by heavily customize it. LXDE/Openbox are heavily crippled because they are NOT DESIGNED for production environment. They are designed for the servers, or computer that requires little to no GUI Interactions. LXDE are for very, very week computer which has limited hardware, so that's why.

GNOME/Unity are crippled to death as Desktop OS's because they are designed for Mobile Devices (Tablets and Phones).

Unity is not, but GNOME is. If you think so, then tell iLinux Creator to remove that macOS-like dock from iLinuxOS.

And, everything is customized, just not in a friendly manner. Terminal is here, it's here to stay and allow you to do anything, so saying that they lack essential system settings is totally NOT CORRECT, but it may for who unfamilar in CLI environment, which make me wonder why they want to use these DE at all?

append delete #22. ClickNin

The problem with developers is that they usually develop OS's with a developer perspective and not with an End User perspective.

It's not end user, Linux is NOT a commercial product, it's a kernel and depend entirely on community to develop software, are you dumb or what? Linux itself does not target anything.
The beauty of Linux is that it's a community thing and not a commercial thing, so that mean there is no end user as it's a community thing, did you want Linux to become a commercial software or what?

append delete #23. root


If you think so, then tell iLinux Creator to remove that macOS-like dock from iLinuxOS.

As usually you don't make any sense.

Tell him yourself.


And, everything is customized, just not in a friendly manner.

End of story.

Not friendly = Unusable for 99% of users

#24. Fotni

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #25. Fotini


And, everything is customized, just not in a friendly manner. Terminal is here, it's here to stay and allow you to do anything, so saying that they lack essential system settings is totally NOT CORRECT, but it may for who unfamilar in CLI environment, which make me wonder why they want to use these DE at all?

You are talking about the Terminal in a world that 97-98% of everyday computer users don't know what Terminal is, they don't care and they will never use it.

That's how far you are from the real world.

You live in your own "Linux wannabe bubble" and nothing else matters.

Well guess what, the most easy and usable interfaces in history of computing (Mac OS, iOS) don't involve the use of Terminal. And that's why I love iLinux. Because it brought that ease in linux too. You install it and start working immediately. BOOM! And that's why you hate it.

append delete #26. ClickNin

Not friendly = Unusable for 99% of users

But you are weird, why someone want to use LXDE/Openbox when Xfce/Cimmanon exist? Both of them are very good and beginner friendly. Also please note that Linux is not a commercial product, and so that why people comes to Linux are always advised to learn the usage of Terminal first, to troubleshooting issues and tweak the system better.

append delete #27. ClickNin

You are talking about the Terminal in a world that 97-98% of everyday computer users don't know what Terminal is, they don't care and they will never use it.

macOS/iOS are different OS you dumb. They are designed for different purposes.

ClickNin added on

On Linux it's a different story.

append delete #28. ClickNin

You can't compare a commercial product to a community product.

append delete #29. root


As far as USERS are concerned, Linux is a product so they compare it to other similar products.

As far as USERS are concerned, Linux is an OS so they compare it to other OS's.

Cinnamon is heavy compared to XFCE/MATE.

Some Linux distributions are commercially oriented/designed.

Terminal IS HOSTILE as far as USERS are concerned. Period.


You have it all messed up in your head.

append delete #30. Fotini
append delete #31. ClickNin

For the first time ever, this is correct lol

Just a simple question, you want Linux to be commercial product?

As far as USERS are concerned, Linux is a product so they compare it to other similar products.

Linux is a kernel, not a product. Linux itself is very useless.

As far as USERS are concerned, Linux is an OS so they compare it to other OS's.

It's not a OS, it's a kernel.

Cinnamon is heavy compared to XFCE/MATE.

Indeed, but for most of computer today it very lightweight. Even my 2009 laptop run fine with it (for basic task of course).

Terminal IS HOSTILE as far as USERS are concerned. Period.

Don't use Linux, trust me, if you don't know how Terminal work, using Linux can get you in a lot of trouble. Stay in Windows or macOS.


Like above.

People always advise that you need to atleast know how Terminal works, and to using it you don't need to code! It just a shell to run program. You are messed up between Terminal and Programming Language.

append delete #32. ClickNin

And here is why you shouldn't use Linux at all if you don't know how Terminal/Shell works.

Linux is so massive, it has a lot of functionally but that means more problems too. And if problem occurs, you might not be able to a GUI program to fix that. Since you can;t use GUI, the only thing you can do to recover is using Terminal, if you don't know how to use it, you are so fucked up.

Kernel Panic, Kernel not found, disk IO error, memory freeze, permission error, filesystem error, and so much more. Linux is very stable if you know how to use it but yet it very easy to break too.

ClickNin added on

Also if you want to install a program, you will probably need using Terminal for sure, although lot of program exist on GUI software store, a lot doesn't. Don't know how Terminal work can be a very risky as you copy command from Internet and don't know what it does, then it will wipe your entire disk drive LMAOO

append delete #33. Agreeing Man

Once again I agree with you @ClickNin.

When I was a Linux noob, with no programming experience, and no experience with Linux whatsoever, I enjoyed using Linux Mint.

It had a nice selection of wallpapers, a theme store inbuilt to the Settings app, and enjoyed the simplicity of the Terminal.

I found the Terminal "fun" as a Linux noobie. Why? Because the commands were (and still is) simple, short, and easy to remember.

SUDO for temporary root privileges (I thought it was "sudoku" as a noob, and ls for listing files, cat🐱 for displaying text files without opening a text editor. I found it very fun. Of course I am not assuming everyone is like me, but I believe Linux GUIs should have more choices and options, but should be idiot-friendly and not be very dumbed down, or "crippled".

Unity wasn't crippled, GNOME isn't. GNOME is too simple and they aren't the most likable, but they are idiot friendly in a way or so.

KDE isn't idiot friendly, but they are usable. Xfce is not exactly idiot friendly, but it is more idiot friendly than KDE.

What should Linux DEs and distros should be doing is being following the "Lightweight, without compromising features and usability". MassOS GNU/Linux follows this philosophy. It comes with what the average user needs, and a GUI app store with additional software from Flathub. While my time using it I never had to use the Terminal, because there is a GUI. It is also very lightweight, because it doesn't have much background processes, while not compromising features. I understand distros have different visions and philosophies, like Fedora embraces newer technologies, Slackware uses older technologies (basically the opposite of Fedora), and Arch being a rolling-release distro with the newest software, and Debian with stability as it's #1 priority.

Whatever I have written here is my opinions and my point of view. Have a nice day.

append delete #34. Fotini

@ClickNin @Agreeing Man

As usual you are out of topic.

This thread is about usability.

append delete #35. ClickNin

This thread is about usability.

Why @root talk about terminal and CLI stuff?

append delete #36. Agreeing Man


I may have gone out of topic but I still have shared my points on Linux desktop usability.

append delete #37. root


I think you are schizophrenic.

You should seek medical treatment ASAP...

You talked about Terminal and CLI first, in this thread at 07 Apr 2022 07:45:58.


append delete #38. Fotini

@Agreeing Man

You are almost always out of topic...

append delete #39. ClickNin

I think you are schizophrenic.

Imagine calling someone schizophrentic when they talk about something lmao, I ran out of word to describe you.

Fine then, your opinion is yours, my opinion is mine.

append delete #40. Optimus Prime

It's 2022. Computer Graphical User Interfaces (Desktop Environments) exist since the early '70s. Today Linux users have many to choose from. And there are people in this thread saying that you shouldn't use Linux if you don't know how Terminal/Shell works? This is just tragic... These people refuse to move forward and evolve. They don't see the big picture.

On the topic, iLinux interface is way beyond vanilla Mate and I think everyone (users and developers) should take a very good and serious look at it because it set a new standard. Sure, Mate was developed as a Gnome 2 continuation but users' needs evolve and so must computer interfaces. Mate developers are stuck and iLinux devs literally rolled out "Mate 2" (Mate on steroids as AxelF said). Sure, iLinux does not have custom panels like Mate but I don't care about custom panels as long as I can use my computer/OS effectively out of the box without any customization.

I have used many Linux distros and the overall usability factor of iLinux is above anything I have used so far. Even though I use iLinux on a daily basis I continue to test drive many Linux distros and I am disappointed to say that most of them are hostile to the End User. Even Ubuntu/Gnome is too simple and crippled it get's unfriendly. Computers are not smartphones and not for use only by tech nerds and command line gurus. Having to use the Terminal after installation to adjust your system is hostile to the End User. Searching for Linux help on the web you see that 80-90% of the answers/solutions invoke the use of Terminal. This is hostile to the End User. I don't want to use the hostile Terminal, I want to use my friendly Computer.

AxelF got it right on the thread title, usability above everything.... That's what counts for the End User.

I feel that iLinux's success can be narrowed down to this: iLinux is a complex OS but yet it seems dead easy and extremely friendly to the End User.

PS. Facing the arrogance, self-righteousness and "holier than thou" in most Linux forums/irc channels is hostile to the End User. I have to admit that this forum felt strange at first but the Admins don't block, kick or shut anyone out no matter what, despite the personal attacks, epic flame wars and thread hijacking. For me that's as friendly as it gets. For me that's the definition of a truly Open Community. I feel respected here. I feel I have a voice here and that my voice can be heard. And this for me is as important as OS usability.

append delete #41. ClickNin

I kind of agree with most of your answer regarding the End User, but remember Linux is not a commercial product, and it does not target anyone. It relies on the entire community to develop software, GUI and anything for it. Linux is not designed for end user, but the community did. However Linux's internal still requires computer knowledge to some extent, and that's why Linux is still not widely used in the mass user base.
Linux is not and will never be a Commercial and Proprietary thing, it's a community thing and no one really own Linux, community own it and community do whatever with it.

P/S: Look like someone have reported this distro to FSF (Free Software Foundation) about GPL Violation.

append delete #42. root


ClickNin at 07 Apr 2022 07:45:58:

And, everything is customized, just not in a friendly manner. Terminal is here, it's here to stay and allow you to do anything, so saying that they lack essential system settings is totally NOT CORRECT, but it may for who unfamilar in CLI environment, which make me wonder why they want to use these DE at all?


ClickNin 07 Apr 2022 12:06:42

Why @root talk about terminal and CLI stuff?


You are indeed schizophrenic.

#43. root

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #44. root

Linux is not widely used due to false marketing and toxic/hostile Linux Community.

append delete #45. ClickNin

Linux is not widely used due to false marketing and toxic/hostile Linux Community.

Linux is not a commercial software, and so no marketing. About the Linux Community, prove me that this community is toxic (beside from this stupid forum).
Why would you want to do a marketing for a kernel? LOL

append delete #46. ClickNin

And, everything is customized, just not in a friendly manner. Terminal is here, it's here to stay and allow you to do anything, so saying that they lack essential system settings is totally NOT CORRECT, but it may for who unfamilar in CLI environment, which make me wonder why they want to use these DE at all?

I'm literally TALKING about that you guys said that LXDE/Openbox lacks essentials system settings which is a misunderstanding. I'm saying that everything can be done with the terminal and NOT ABOUT HOW TO USE IT YOU DUMB.

append delete #47. ClickNin

Okay okay, let talk with peace and not hostile to each other.
Why you want to marketing a kernel? Did you want Linux to become a commercial/proprietary software? Just explain your opinions.

append delete #48. root


You are really damaged aren't you?

You can't follow and comprehend a simple dialogue flow in plain English and you expect people to talk to you?

Good luck with that.

append delete #49. Linux Soul


For the average Joe, aka the End User, Linux is an Operating System.

The End User doesn't care if Linux is the Kernel (Core) of the Operating System/Linux Distro he is using.

The End User only cares for his Operating System to work as expected.

The End User doesn't want to use Terminal/CLI and with good reason: It's not user friendly.

Let me quote Steve Jobs for you:

This thing (the Macintosh) is for the every man. That's our End User. It's the School Teacher, it's the Garbage Man, it's the Kid, it's some Granmma out in Nebraska. So we need to make this thing simple. It's gotta work like an Appliance.


When you understand this you will understand what everyday people want from their computers. What most computers users want.

append delete #50. Optimus Prime


With no disrespect to LXDE/Openbox developers, compare LXDE/Openbox settings to this:

Usability wins. End of story.

#51. Fotini

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#52. Fotini

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #53. Fotini

These "Linux Mafia Army" thugs, these Terminal/CLI junkies are the ones that scare people away from Linux to promote their own agenda.

Again and again I read what ClickNin wrote at 07 Apr 2022 08:29:03 and I still can't believe how blatantly he attacks Linux newbies to scare them:

Don't use Linux, trust me, if you don't know how Terminal work, using Linux can get you in a lot of trouble. Stay in Windows or macOS.

append delete #54. ClickNin

For the average Joe, aka the End User, Linux is an Operating System.

Try to compile the Linux repository and boot it up lol. Linux is a KERNEL, not a OS.

append delete #55. ClickNin

You are full of idiots, have little to no Linux knowledge. Did you even think before writing? Now think why people always advise new people who want to try Linux to always learn some basic Terminal usage first? Linux DOES NOT target End User, Linux DOES NOT target anything. Linux IS NOT a commercial product, Linux IS NOT made and maintained by a big company.

When you will "delete" that thinking about Linux is a OS and it's because of marketing it does not widely used?

I still can't believe how blatantly he attacks Linux newbies to scare them:

"Attack"? I'm telling the truth.

If I'm a OEM, I would rather give the end user a 500 pages long manual about usage than wrapping everything behind a GUI, because on Linux, once you messed it up, if you don't have any knowledge prior, you are screwed up. The most basic task such as navigating between folder/file, reading content and Environment Variables is a essential knowledge. Of course GUI is good but sometime you still need to use Terminal to do a lot of stuff (installing program, adding repositories, managing partition, dual boot, or just doing guide from Internet). It's a different story when comes to all of it's problem but you know what I mean.

Also @root

I think you are schizophrenic.

Calling me schizophrenic when I'm just talking about stuff? You are so toxic.

append delete #56. Fotini


Try to compile the Linux repository and boot it up lol. Linux is a KERNEL, not a OS.

Why on earth should an everyday Linux User will do that?!

He/she will just download a Linux Distro and use it!

Are you out of your freaking mind?!

You are so damaged... There is no hope for you at all...

append delete #57. Fotini


The title in is 100% wrong.

It should be:

10 Things Every Linux Command Line Beginner Should Know

People use GUI for decades!!! Wake the fuck up!!!

append delete #58. Fotini


If I'm a OEM, I would rather give the end user a 500 pages long manual about usage than wrapping everything behind a GUI, because on Linux, once you messed it up, if you don't have any knowledge prior, you are screwed up.

If you go with that as an OEM you will have an EPIC FAIL guaranteed.

You are insane!

append delete #59. Fotini
append delete #60. ClickNin

Why on earth should an everyday Linux User will do that?!

Why try to mislead people? You said that Linux is a OS, so I'm telling you to compile it and try booting it, lol.

append delete #61. root

It's official, @ClickNin is a Terminal/CLI troll.

append delete #62. AxelF

Trolls never cease to amaze me... but putting them aside, it's wonderful to see all you people gathered here! It's a pleasure to see that some linux users have broken free from the toxic Linux forums lying around and found shelter here.

@Optimus Prime you are so right about computers not being phones and for the hostility of the majority of linux.

append delete #63. Peter

Speaking of Mate and iLinux, is there a way to have additional customized panels as in vanilla Mate?

append delete #64. ClickNin

It's official, @ClickNin is a Terminal/CLI troll.


@Optimus Prime you are so right about computers not being phones and for the hostility of the majority of linux.

Computer are not phone indeed, but if you saying that the majority of Linux is hostile, don't use Linux/Debian as a base and develop your own kernel and DE lmao.

I still can't understand why always compare stuff, specially that you compare Linux with macOS/iOS too. They are different OS, made by different people and for different purposes. I'm out of words.

append delete #65. crostinis


append delete #66. iLinux Support Team


Seems like you thugs of "Linux Mafia Army" are back, so let's remember what @root said about you:


Well, let's talk about the so called "Linux Community"...

It's no secret that 99% of all those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Chanells & Linux IRC Chat Channels", promote 5-10 Linux Distros out of 100's. This is not random.

And it goes deeper that that. The hostile behaviour of this "Linux Mafia Army" when you talk about other distros than the ones they push, is classic...

All those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Chanells" sell your browsing data to 1000's of capitalist companies by spying on you via Cookies, so even in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...

I am not saying that it's bad to want to make money, but if at the same time you are preaching Internet Freedom and FOSS, it's a bit hypocritical at best.

So, don't lecture us about the so called "Linux Community".

We know the subversive and covert tactics of your "Dark Web Gang": Online Mob/Swarm Misinformation, Online Mob/Swarm Slandering, Online Mob/Swarm Character Assassination, Online Mob/Swarm Psychological Operations, Online Mob/Swarm Sabotage.

You may have positioned yourself at the backbone of the internet, pulling strings from the shadows, but you are not invisible.


They want you to release your Proprietary Code as FOSS in order to profit from it.

It's a classic tactic of the "Linux Mafia Army", to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.

And because they plan far ahead, I think they fear of what iLinux may become.

append delete #67. i386


You are so funny! :-D

append delete #68. Optimus Prime

OK, I think this Linux Mafia is officially at a severe state of hysteria with iLinux...

append delete #69. Linux Soul

@Optimus Prime

Don't hold your breath...

They will be back soon...

append delete #70. ClickNin

Heez, when you guys will understand that people cannot steal other code if the source code has an license associated with it? An license describes what people are allowed to do and not allowed to do with your code. Violation of that license (in this example, iLinux as it violates GPL by putting a FOSS software (Linux, Debian) into a Proprietary license) might get DCMA, or very strict legal action from license/copyright holder.
No FOSS site send your data to any company, check it yourself using Fiddler or DNS Lookup and send me screenshot if you see that they collect anything.

append delete #71. iLinux Support Team


You are trying to mislead and disinform.

iLinux OS License is crystal clear.

The Software Components created by George Dimitrakopoulos and the iLinux OS Development Team are Proprietary.

Every other Software Component in iLinux OS has it's own License.

If you don't understand it, it's not our problem.

append delete #72. ClickNin

Every other Software Component in iLinux OS has it's own License.

You ONLY OWN what you MADE. You have full permission over it's copyright. However, you does not OWN Linux kernel, MATE and Debian, either customized or modified or not. That's the thing.

append delete #73. ClickNin

And since Linux kernel is GPL (FOSS) and you are using a Proprietary license, it's a GPL Violation and you should expects legal actions from FSF if this got detected.

append delete #74. ClickNin

Please read this.

GPL Violation:

GPL License Version 2

It's your own task to resolve this violation yourself, however legal action is still a thing.

append delete #75. iLinux Support Team


Learn English, then read the License again.

This thread is about usability.

If you want to talk about Licenses, open a new thread and do not abuse the absolute Freedom of Speech you enjoy in this Community.

append delete #76. ClickNin

It's Freedom of Speech.
But fine then, and I already read the license for 20 times straight before coming to these.

append delete #77. iLinux Support Team


Freedom of Speech has nothing to do with hijacking irrelevant threads.

This thread is about usability.

If you want to talk about Licenses, open a new thread and do not abuse the absolute Freedom of Speech you enjoy in this Community.

#78. root

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #79. ClickNin

Look like you don't understand what I said.
Linux and macOS are not the same thing. They are not designed for the same purposes.

append delete #80. root

If only more Terminal/CLI die hards could even try to understand Steve Jobs's quote, Linux wouldn't be the mess it is today:

This thing (the Macintosh) is for the every man. That's our End User. It's the School Teacher, it's the Garbage Man, it's the Kid, it's some Granmma out in Nebraska. So we need to make this thing simple. It's gotta work like an Appliance.

append delete #81. root


macOS = Computer Operating System

Any Linux Distro = Computer Operating System

append delete #82. Agreeing Man


Linux distros can be used anywhere, unlike macOS.

append delete #83. root

@Agreeing Man

You and @ClickNin are Autistics. Period.

append delete #84. ClickNin

You and @ClickNin are Autistics. Period.

Because of have opinion about something? Go visit doctor and show me test result lol

append delete #85. root


No. Because you are unable to perform a dialogue focused on the subject.

append delete #86. Agreeing Man


You are insane...

append delete #87. root

@Agreeing Man


append delete #88. ClickNin

Well to be clear.

I'm sorry for this discussion, it shouldn't be like this when the thing about KISS/KIUS or KICS is all biased and opinion. About usability, it's an opinion and not a fact. Not everyone have the same opinion! Someone can say that this is good but someone else can say this is bad. That's fine, as it's an opinion. But it seem like a few people here actually thought that all of their opinions are real fact.

And again, sorry for all of that. I apologies for that.

For new people: Everything here is an opinion and biased. Think different and choose what you want to use.

append delete #89. Linux Soul


In every internet forum everything is an opinion and biased.

append delete #90. fact2truth

You and @ClickNin are Autistics. Period.

It's the truth, you can't install macOS on a PC that is not made by Apple without Hackintosh and Compatible Hardware. Why are you calling them autistics?

#91. Not CCP

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #92. iLinux Support Team

@Not CCP

You Linux Mafia Army thugs never change...

You are no better than Big Brother in George Orwell's 1984.

You like to oppress and control Developers/Users/People/Minds like a Dictator, in order to promote your agenda.

Amateur insult attempts won't get you anywhere or trigger an emotional response from us.

In matters of technology and PSYOPS we apply logic. Not emotion.

Projecting your tactics to the "Enemy" in order to confuse him and break him, mentally and psychologically won't work with us.

We know the Training Courses, Field Manuals, Textbooks and SOP you are using.

You are already too far exposed.

Let's remember what @root said about you:


Well, let's talk about the so called "Linux Community"...

It's no secret that 99% of all those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels & Linux IRC Chat Channels", promote 5-10 Linux Distros out of 100's. This is not random.

And it goes deeper that that. The hostile behaviour of this "Linux Mafia Army" when you talk about other distros than the ones they push, is classic...

All those "Linux Community Websites & Linux YouTube Channels" sell your browsing data to 1000's of capitalist companies by spying on you via Cookies, so even in most Linux distros (FOSS or not) you are the product...

I am not saying that it's bad to want to make money, but if at the same time you are preaching Internet Freedom and FOSS, it's a bit hypocritical at best.

So, don't lecture us about the so called "Linux Community".

We know the subversive and covert tactics of your "Dark Web Gang": Online Mob/Swarm Misinformation, Online Mob/Swarm Slandering, Online Mob/Swarm Character Assassination, Online Mob/Swarm Psychological Operations, Online Mob/Swarm Sabotage.

You may have positioned yourself at the backbone of the internet, pulling strings from the shadows, but you are not invisible.


They want you to release your Proprietary Code as FOSS in order to profit from it.

It's a classic tactic of the "Linux Mafia Army", to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.

And because they plan far ahead, I think they fear of what iLinux may become.

append delete #93. AaronTechnic

You and @ClickNin are Autistics. Period.

Stop using "ChArAcTeR aSsAsInAtIoN" script in your textbook on "how to argue with people online"

append delete #94. iLinux Support Team


Why don't you and your Linux Mafia Army thugs give it a rest and go annoy other linux forums as you are paid to do?

If you don't we will get nasty again and we are certain you wouldn't want that.

append delete #95. AaronTechnic

do you seriously think people are paid to bring down certain distros, annoy people, and do this crap?

besides, you are the one saying all these character assasination, textbooks, SOC, whatever crap because you didn't like that we said. Also, "Linux Mafia Army" is just something that lives in your mind.

AaronTechnic added on

Even if I was paid to hack into your servers and bring down your distro, I would refuse doing so.

I pointed out the issues this distro had, however I did not do it in a friendly manner. But man, do you really think people are paid to do this?

append delete #96. iLinux Support Team


Everybody in Linux knows about the PAID THUGS/TROLLS of the Linux Mafia Army...

append delete #97. AaronTechnic

Everybody in Linux knows about the PAID THUGS/TROLLS of the Linux Mafia Army...

Everybody, you say? Please tell me at least 5 of them.

Who is "Linux Mafia Army"?

append delete #98. iLinux Support Team


Give it a rest. You are too far exposed...


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