iLinux OS Talk

¡Hola! Servers is fantastico!

append delete Alvaro

¡Hola! from Spain! Servers is easy and fun. Very simple for first time users. I see you plan a cloud server. I am very interested in cloud server. When will this be?

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append delete #1. Alvaro

The Raspberry Pi iLinux edition will have servers?

append delete #2. iLinux Support Team


The Cloud Server release date is not yet determined.

Yes. The Raspberry Pi iLinux OS edition will have servers. ;-)

append delete #3. Fotini

Yes. The Raspberry Pi iLinux OS edition will have servers. ;-)

This will be fun...

append delete #4. Animal

Servers in the RPI iLinux? That's gonna be epic.

append delete #5. Alvaro

The Raspberry Pi iLinux edition will be Debian 11?

append delete #6. iLinux Support Team


The Raspberry Pi iLinux edition will be Debian 11?


append delete #7. iLinux Support Team

In today's System Live Update 2.33 we introduced two new Servers:

EzShare Public Cloud Server

Abyss Web Server

More at:


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