iLinux OS Talk

First thoughts on iLinux OS

append delete Mike Welfl

I watched 8 of the 19 videos on the iLinux YouTube channel before I headed over to the iLinux website. There I read a bunch of comments in the community forum. As an extremely picky, 33-year Mac user, I must say that I am very impressed by iLinux OS.

In 2019 some reviewers claimed that Deepin (Linux) is the most MacOS-like of all the Distros, so I tried it. It looks beautiful on the surface, but the installation was the usual unnecessarily complex nightmare (I see that iLinux is cloned onto drives, not installed, which sounds promising). Also, Deepin isn't even remotely close to being Mac-like when it comes to actual use. I deleted it right away. By contrast, iLinux OS looks very user friendly, judging by the videos I watched. There are multiple very easy ways to access every type of menu command, and each command is written in plain English.

There's only one catch: The full version is still not Mac compatible (see link below). Only the extremely limited "Recovery DVD" version is. The developer says a Mac version of the full OS is in the works, but he didn't say how long the wait would be. I have two Late 2006 iMacs, one of which would be ideal for testing iLinux OS.

One last thought: I am very impressed by the developer's responses to the few critics who have posted comments in the forum. That fact, combined with what I saw in the iLinux "Internet Search" app video, indicates that he is very much against censorship, unlike Tim Cook.

Mike Welfl added on

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append delete #1. Bruce

That's what distinguishes iLinux OS from all the other Linux Distros: iLinux OS is indeed easy to use. It doesn't seem easy to use...

append delete #2. Linux Soul

@Mike Welfl

Tim Cook is not simply against censorship. He is censorship incarnated!

Apple is going down the hill since Steve Jobs passed away.

We are extremely lucky to have iLinux OS because we were out of options...

append delete #3. Fotini

@Mike Welfl

My kind of User! Kudos!

append delete #4. i386

When I first saw the screenshots of iLinux I thought I was seeing Apple's Linux. :-D

By using it I realized it was something far beyond today's Linux landscape.

Thank you iLinux for saving me from Windows 10/11 and the Apple fashion frenzy!

append delete #5. Optimus Prime

@Mike Welfl

I've tried Deepin and many Ubuntu based distros.

All unstable compared to Debian based distros.

And too much noise for nothing.

Have you tested iLinux yet?


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