iLinux OS Talk

Beyond usability

append delete DigiDeLorean

I am starting a new thread because the trolls won't let a normal thread untrolled.

The Usability thread is quite an interesting conversation:

By using iLinux I came to the shocking conclusion that (for me) the very definition of usability is to do whatever you want with your computer without having to install anything. 500 apps (and many Control Panel assets) in iLinux felt a little WTF at first but as time went by in everyday use I (probably) realized what the devs were thinking. They shaked the linux status quo (and our minds) for good and it took me a while to realize that iLinux is not a linux distro. It's a fully setup OS, a computer in your USB stick as the devs call it. These two things are nothing alike believe me. I've seen it first hand. iLinux should not be judged as a linux distro. It's a new animal.

When I first noticed the word "Tactical" in themes, Screen Light control panel and in some places in the website, I realized that this is no ordinary linux distro. My brother works for the government and after he played with iLinux for a few days he told me: "This is a weapon of mass destruction."

Since then I started looking at iLinux from a different point of view, exploring it and testing it on various realtime scenarios only to realize that who the fuck built this thing?! This OS is highly optimized for Tactical use besides normal/pro computer use. One person may pose as the maker of this OS but let me tell you this: the range of knowledge you need to built this OS can't be achieved by a single person. And I am not talking only about computer knowledge. There are human/social sciences and military/law enforcement practices involved here.

Just don't let the happy icons fool you...

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append delete #1. Linux Soul

Interesting reading.

Are you in the military?

append delete #2. Azrael B.


That may explain the outburst of hate against iLinux in this forum...

append delete #3. Seraf


Just don't let the happy icons fool you...

At least it's a happy weapon of mass destruction...


append delete #4. DigiDeLorean

@Linux Soul

Are you in the military?

Not exactly but I know stuff...

append delete #5. Walty

Military/law enforcement practices? such as?

append delete #6. DigiDeLorean


An untrained eye can't see what a trained eye sees.

append delete #7. root


append delete #8. Optimus Prime

I have to admit that DigiDeLorean caught me by surprise. iLinux felt different from the start but I've never gone so far about it as he/she did...

append delete #9. Fotini


You blew up my mind!

This perspective made me dig further into iLinux...

append delete #10. Kathy


WOW! That's just mind blowing as @Fotini said! I'm already fascinated by iLinux but this is a whole new level of dealing with a linux distro. It seems many interesting people gather around iLinux and the ride's gonna be thrilling...

append delete #11. Linux Soul

iLinux OS will be the next James Bond OS!

Seriously now, DigiDeLorean has valid points in his/her assessment.

I got curious after reading this and I poke around iLinux just to see what he/she was talking about even though he/she was very cryptic about it:


In App The Matrix > Window Title we read:

The Matrix can enslave you, only if you choose to be a slave.

That's an "App" that was made by iLinux developers (you can't find it in Google or any other distro) and the only thing they wanted was to give that message. The "App" just displays matrix code, it doesn't do anything.


In App iLinux Backup > About we read:

Secure Your Data. Secure Your Life. Secure The Future.


In App iLinux Backup > Backup Strategy we read a Tactical Backup Guide disguised as general advice for backup.


In App Workspaces > About we read:

Expand your Desktop. Expand your Mind.


In App Change Passwords > About we read:

Strong Passwords give you Time. Time is a Weapon.


iLinux developers give us messages hidden in plain sight.

iLinux developers went on great lengths to fix all the handicaps we find in other linux distros, Windows and macOS, by creating a wide variety of custom Apps and Control Center functions.

They created an OS so easy, functional and fast in operation that has no rival.

If you pay close attention you will see that they have optimised iLinux to a degree that you do anything in the less possible amount of time and clicks. Additionally they have introduced many new usability concepts in Linux and in computing, including IRP mode. This is not just optimised OS. This is Tactical thinking.

From the fact that they created a full setup for every use out of the box that can run from USB Stick too, it's clear that they intended iLinux for Tactical use also.

The use of the term "Tactical" in themes, icons and in other Apps like Screen Light is sign enough.

Paraphrasing DigiDeLorean's brother I say that they have created a weapon for a post-apocalyptic world or a world that for any reason restricts internet in any way. Just think about it: without internet you can't install Apps to do things. But with iLinux and it's preloaded Apps you can work solo or collaborate in a closed network and do almost anything. This is not just optimised OS. This is Tactical thinking.

And I think that's why iLinux attracts so many attacks and hatred from the Linux Mafia Army and the forces behind that Mafia...

Let me point out that with everything going on globally since 2020, I don't believe it's a coincidence that iLinux was released on September of 2020. The Copyright is from 2015 and the first released version was 2, so what happened to version 1 and why it wasn't released? What they were waiting for? A related answer from the Lead developer made things even more cryptic:"GALAXIA"%20-%20Opinions/where_is_ilinux_os_1

Maybe DigiDeLorean and his/her brother saw behind the curtain.

And maybe, the way things are going, it's time for us to do the same.

append delete #12. ClickNin

Impressive, Good Job. To be honest you should work with Microsoft or Apple in their Marketing place. You will do a good job advertising it.

append delete #13. root

@Linux Soul

Intriguing upgraded...

append delete #14. C64

I really can't get enough of this community... It's the most diverse and rogue linux forum ever...

append delete #15. Super Mario

OMG WTF iLinux OS now has Servers with GUI!

Intriguing upgraded x 100...

Testing it now!

append delete #16. Super Mario

OK boys & girls, I'm now officially stunned.

Today's 2.29 update was a massive update for usability but Servers is the Winner feature in this update!

I've never used a combo Server interface so easy and so profound in my life!!!

I can use every single server without Terminal!!! :-O

I'm going in for a cold shower now... I still can't believe it...

append delete #17. root

Servers change everything.

The power for the simple user is now beyond everything we have seen so far.

append delete #18. Linux Soul

Servers are taken to a whole new level...

I am playing with "Apache Web Server > Virtual Hosts" for the last hour and I still can't believe how easy it is...

Per user Websites are enabled by default...

The possibilites are endless...

File Server is dead easy and my Mac recognized the iLinux OS Time Machine Server instantly...

Thank you iLinux developers! You just made my computer a lot more useful and powerful!

append delete #19. Linux Soul

If Servers is not Tactical thinking I don't know what is.

With Servers you can have de-centralized computing power without limits out of the box wherever you are!

Guess what: I am now using the File Server as media server to stream music and movies to all devices around the house without lag...

This is priceless!

append delete #20. ClickNin

You acting like this feature is only exist on iLinux.
It's just a wrapper for Apache/Samba and other web server made by others.
He did absolute nothing, the core function of them are made by others, and you guys acting like the creator of this OS coded everything by hand and make it easier. It's just a GUI, I can made that in just 5 minutes with C#.

append delete #21. root


You Linux Mafia Army thugs never change and never learn because you are like robots.

It's a classic tactic of the "Linux Mafia Army", to apply negative psychological pressure in order to discredit and discourage developers, steal their code and profit from it in any way.


You acting like this feature is only exist on iLinux.

Name ONE (1) linux distro that has a GUI so easy to handle those server functions.


It's just a wrapper for Apache/Samba and other web server made by others.

Yes it is. But no one else has made such an extremely easy wrapper, if any.

Name ONE (1) linux distro that has a GUI so easy to handle those server functions.


He did absolute nothing, the core function of them are made by others, and you guys acting like the creator of this OS coded everything by hand and make it easier.

iLinux developers made it extremely easy.

Of course they didn't code Apache or Samba or Time Machine. But they made them extremely easy to use even for the novice/average linux user.

What really bothers you is that iLinux developers are leaping forward with a pace you can't keep up and that they give raw power to the users, making you "Linux Gurus/Terminal Junkies" look like relics.

Name ONE (1) linux distro that has a GUI so easy to handle those server functions.


It's just a GUI, I can made that in just 5 minutes with C#.

Yes it is just a GUI.

But an extremely easy and innovative GUI.

The difference between you and iLinux developers is that they envisioned it, they made it a reality and they offered it freely to the rest of us.

You didn't.

append delete #22. ClickNin

Well after all, GUI > Everything. You like being locked on a GUI with only features that iLinux Creator aka added and wrapped and lose all other amazing features of the web server. Lacks of customization after all.

And nope, I don't make a Operating System, so stop your stupid comparision.

append delete #23. Linux Soul


You still don't get it do you?

The avarage user will never need all the features. All the features are available via iLinux System Server (Webmin) or via the Command Line and Administrators know what to do after all.

This brilliant Servers interface is for the every man.

Once again, let me quote Steve Jobs for you:

This thing (the Macintosh) is for the every man. That's our End User. It's the School Teacher, it's the Garbage Man, it's the Kid, it's some Granmma out in Nebraska. So we need to make this thing simple. It's gotta work like an Appliance.

And yes, GUI is everything. GUI moved technology and the world forward. GUI decentralizes computing power and gives it to the people. GUI makes computers friendly and fun to use. GUI unleashes the user's potentials. GUI gives people the power to change the world.

And that's why you hate it but your hate will consume you.

You hate iLinux developers because they are people with vision, passion, knowledge and strength, because they give power to the users and do something to make the world a better place.

And most of all you hate them because they don't submit to your Linux Mafia attacks and fight back hard by exposing your dark rotten nature.


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